Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Today was a good day. Jason was off, all day! No off-duty, no court, no meetings, no regular work, just off and home! After taking Kori to school the littles were still asleep so I cuddled in with Jason and slipped into a sinus-medication induced coma. Oh man did I sleep! I slept for a while, I won't say how long, but it felt good and I felt like I deserved it. Jason is working this weekend, so I called that my Mother's Day gift to myself since I won't get to sleep in on Mother's Day. It was nice!

We went to Kori's school to watch her class, along with a couple of others perform a little musical performance. It was sooooo dang cute! Of course I got weepy. If you know me, you know I would. It's my nature. Still hard to believe I am the mother of four beautiful daughters, let alone one that is Kindergarten.

Kori was "Ducky Duddle" and had some cute little baby ducks that swam behind her as they all sang. It was all very cute! Kori looked like her mom always did during these type of situations...flushed and nervous. But, she did wonderfully! It was so sweet! The littles enjoyed watching as well, which I was a little worried about. I didn't want them to be distruptive, and thankfully with a small baggie of snacks and a few sippies of water, all was well and thankfully quiet.

A big thanks to Aunt Becky for going. Kori always likes having her family there to watch her. My parents unfortunately weren't able to go as my mom is very sick with the Strep virus. Hoping she is feeling better soon.

We had an early dinner at Olive Garden after the performance. Bonus for me since I didn't have to cook. The girls were awesome and ate like pigs...all four of them.

As we were walking out, I was struck by how surreal life can be. I get this way quite often. It is sometimes easy to forget that these special little miracles, are mine. Crazy! My beautiful 6-year old, sassy, loving, funny, silly, crazy, wild, child! And the three gorgeous, healthy, wonderful, crazy, wild, wild, wild, (did I mention wild?) miracles! They truly are miracles! To see them all walking in a line behind Jason (who is the most handsome hubby in the land!) it is just so amazing to me! Kori in her pink shirt and maroon/pink flowered skirt. The littles in their denim dresses and little sandles...oh man were they all ever cute! We garnered lots of attention, which was fine, and we even scored a few compliments on how well behaved they were.

A rather uneventful trip to Walmart followed. I am really starting to detest that place, but I find that I must go there. Alexis decided half way through she wanted and was going to walk. She struck up a nice game of catch with an adorable little boy in the outdoor toy aisle. It was cute to watch her interact with someone unrelated to her. So sweet!

It ended with her protesting as I carried her out. She waned to walk through the parking lot, which was NOT happening. I had to pull rank on her and carried her and she yelled in protest. Oh well, other than that it was a pretty perfect day!

I love days like this! Unfortunately the next few weeks will be NUTS around here so look for some frazzled posts from me!