Monday, May 26, 2008

She's Bilingual!

As I was getting Kori ready for bed tonight I asked her if everything was picked up that had been drug out previously. She assured me that it was. I told her I meant EVERYTHING. Oh yes, everything is picked up mom, was her reply. Well I went in her room and there was a pile of paper on the floor, along with my scissors from the kitchen. (The same scissors I was looking for earlier and she assured me she had not seen or used.) The papers were left overs from an art project she did for my mom before we left to take my parents to Walmart.

I told her to pick it up so she could get to bed. She got to it and as she started I heard her mumble under her breath, "Stupid crap". Uh excuse me? (Crap is totally my fault, because I catch myself saying it A LOT! It's a better alternative than other words I suppose, but still not great for a six year old!) I asked her "What did you say???" Her reply, "Uh, nothing." I informed her that I heard her and she was NOT to say crap. She then pipes up with, get ready for this! "Uh mommy, crap is the Spanish word for paper you know." Nice try I informed her! I took Spanish in school (middle school but she doesn't need to know that) and I still remember some and I'm quite certain crap is NOT the Spanish word for paper. What was her reply you ask? "Well you can't blame a girl for trying huh mom?" No honey, I suppose not. It was hard not to giggle, but I saved it until I was out of her room and definitely out of ear shot!

Her dad got a HUGE chuckle about that! She's a nut I tell ya!