Monday, February 25, 2008

My First!

Piece of homemade "pottery" from one of my children! Over the years my mom amassed quite a collection and I've just added my very own first piece! It's a small, well we'll call it a bowl. Kori said I could put jewelry in it, or loose change. Or if I fancied I could eat or drink something out of it. I assured her that I didn't want to ruin it with food or drink so I would find another use for it. It's multi-colored and so lovely!!! It's sitting on my windowsill in the kitchen right now so that when I'm at the sink (which seems to be a lot!) I can enjoy it.

I don't know how my mom ever kept a straight face on some of the pieces. She has a "hippo", an "elephant" a "dinosaur" (it looks like a white turd with a small tail, 4 very squatty legs, and a couple of eye holes. It has a creepy smile on it too. That was handcrafted by my sister Margaret. Like most of our family, she lacked in the "artistic" area as well. My mom still has them all in her kitchen on the shelves of her cabinets. She still dusts them and is so proud of them. That's what a mom does, proudly displays the artwork and craftiness, or in our cases, the not so craftiness of her kids. I never sculpted anything for her thank goodness. But in elementary school we had a wood shop that when we'd finish a section of our reader we could make a project. My mom had quite a collection of napkin holders, coasters, grocery list holders, lamps, you name it, all probably pretty scary. You'd never know it from her reaction though, she was always so proud. She enjoyed hearing about my new piece today.

Ahhhhh the joys of motherhood! Many more to come yet too!