Thursday, February 28, 2008

Did You Know?

The human body gets rid of 11,000 gallons of urine in a lifetime? I certainly didn't either, but I learned that little tid-bit while driving home from picking up Kori today. Thankfully she didn't hear it as I don't want to think of the response that little nugget would have elicited. Ewwwww grosssssssss! Or something like that.

This is Jason's last weekend off. I am going to make us do things that "normal" people do on weekends off. We're going out to dinner tomorrow night and then to do a couple little errands. Not sure on Saturday what the plans are, but they are going to be something as a family before Jason heads off to off-duty for a few hours on Saturday evening. Sunday I need to either clean, go to the grocery store, or both. While both are fun options, neither sound too pleasurable at this juncture. Hopefully that will change as the weekend progresses.

Here's to fingers crossed for a fun, drama-free, family filled weekend!!!