Monday, February 25, 2008

Bartender Make Mine a Double!

It was one of those days! Wait, let me correct that statement. After their naps, it was one of those days. They goofed off in their cribs last night until almost 11pm and then were up about 8:45 this morning (I know that's not early, but they need their 11+ hours of sleep). Then they only napped about an hour and twenty minutes or so at nap time and that showed in the evening. Of course Jason was working off-duty before heading into work his regular shift (insert me banging my head here).

Let's just say I was counting down the minutes until bedtime. Alexis and Kori were great! Morgan and Kamryn...not so much. Kamryn was grumpy, whiny and clingy. Never a good combination. Morgan was just grumpy. It was a long night! At the end of it I didn't know whether to cry, drink or cry while drinking. Where oh where is my chocolate vodka crunch???

So in true fashion for the past 20-months...I shall chant myself to sleep tonight with the phrase: Tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better". **SIGH**