Monday, July 28, 2008

McDonald's Car Seat Inspector

Did you know that McDonald's now employs a car seat inspector? No? Me neither! Last Monday Jason and I (and the little girls, Kori was at my parents) decided to go to the store. We needed some necessities before my surgery in case we didn't get out for a few days. Afterward we hit McDonald's for some lunch to take home since it was that time and the girls needed to get down for a nap. Jason got some Chinese from the little place at the grocery store so the girls and I were on our own. There was a McDonald's right there and although it's not the healthiest, it was convenient and the key is moderation right?

Well it's about 95 degrees, not counting the humidity. We order, pull around and pay and I roll the window back up to keep my precious cool A/C air from escaping. Jason and I are talking amongst ourselves with the drive-thru guy taps on my window again. Now I should mention this is a 2-window set-up where you pay at window #1 and then proceed to window #2 to pick up your food. They were running a bit slow so we were waiting to move on to window #2. Well window #1 guy taps on my window. I roll it back down and he gives me this strange, apologetic, sheepish kind of look. He then proceeds with "I notice you have your kids in your car". Uh, yep that's right I inform him. Geesh, these McDonald's people ARE observant aren't they. He then proceeds to tell me that my girls would be MUCH safer in the middle row instead of in the back row, in case we are rear ended. Huh? Is he giving me safety advice? Does he even have kids of his own? I assure him that my children are properly restrained utilizing the LATCH system for car seat restraints, I am confident in the safety features of my vehicle, at which time I roll up my window and finally proceed to window #2 to get my food.

I was in shock a bit. I guess I should be thankful he cares enough about children across America to mention it, but that did little to make me feel better. I don't think working the drive-thru window at the local McDonald's makes you the authority on car seat safety, just because you can observe the kids in said car seats as they pass through for their Happy Meals. Shouldn't he be more concerned that I'm feeding my kids the crap they pass off as a healthy meal? That would make more sense to me huh?

In hindsight I should have just looked at him and smiled, saying NOTHING, as I rolled my window back up. Several degrees of my nice cool air escaped as I tried to assure him that my kids are safe.

We left to go to the bank today and Jason asked me if we needed to hit McDonald's for a car seat safety inspection. Funny guy I'm married to. I passed, I think we're okay.


Liz said...

You should have told them your other 3 kids sit in the middle row since you like them just a little better than the others.

Anonymous said...

Girl, do you have a sign or something for goobers to talk or comment to you?
You definitely get some doozies!

O'well, It makes for good blog post- and gives me a chuckle.