Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I did a massive amount last night. Well, let me define massive, in a family of 6. I last ironed about a week before vacation. Now if I weren't completely obsessive about this task, and the fact that I hate to send my family out to face the world wrinkled, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Unfortunately, this is another one of the OCD traits I picked up from my mom. It can be unbearable at times, but I cannot, I repeat CANNOT send my family (or myself) out in public with the hems of their shirts pointing skyward.

My husband has assured me that there is no need to iron the clothing of my toddlers. I HEAR what he says, unfortunately my brain cannot process WHAT he says. I hear blah, blah, blah. I see wrinkled clothes on them and I start to feel a bit panicked. Unreasonable? Probably, but I deal with it.

So last night about 9:45 or so I started ironing. The littlest girls were finally sleeping after a lot of hopping, bouncing, dancing, etc. Morgan and Alexis led the crew in a few rounds of "Winka Winka Wittle Taaaaaaaaar". For those of you that don't speak "toddler-ese" that's Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Now my ironing wasn't uninterruped. Kori decided after watching someone on TV eat a sandwich that she had to have one. And some doritos. And some milk. So after all of that I got to the task at hand.

I had to stop and resettle Kamryn after her fussing spell. Then Kori and I had to read our bedtime stories and I got her settled in.

I finally finished at 12:30. I ironed 57 pieces. That's much better than the last time I ironed and I ironed 68 pieces. It doesn't take long to amass all of that in a family of six.

My mom ironed for us when we were young too. She still irons for her and my dad. She goes even further than I do. I don't iron my slop around shirts. I only iron the things that will be worn in public, the things that are super wrinkled for whatever reason, and Jason's uniform shirts (HATE doing those!) I don't think I ever appreciated the countless hours my mom stood down in her laundry room doing our ironing. I get it now, but I soooooo didn't then. Just like Kori doesn't now. I hope she gets it when she's an adult and ironing the clothing of her kids. I feel proud sending them out in the world wrinkle free. Sick I know.

So woo hoo the ironing is done. Unfortunately the hampers are filling up at lightening speed. When is naked week anyway? I'd love to have a week where everything is clean and ironed in our house. Maybe I need to determine when naked week is and celebrate. I better warn the others in advance in case anyone is planning on an impromptu visit. Could be scary and scarring to their eyes!