Thursday, July 10, 2008


Daddy and Kori:

Our fountains in the stadium -- it really is a beautiful place:

The new HD scoreboard -- it's HUGE!

Every girl needs a pink bat!

Jason, Kori and I went to a KC Royals game last night. It's no secret that Jason is a huge Chicago White Sox fan and he's trying to convert our oldest daughter over to his side of the tracks. Well the Sox were in town and he tries to get to at least one game a year when they are in town. Originally it was just going to be him and Kori but she decided the other day that "it would be really great if you could go to mom". So I called Amber. She house/pet sat for us while we were on vacation and she works at Mallory's day care so she was a good choice, and even better, last minute she was available!

We plied her and the little girls with pizza and we headed out. It was a bit warm but once the sun went down it was nice. Dang if it isn't expensive though! Goodness me! I did a food run which consisted of a hot dog, nachos for Kori and I to share, a Diet Pepsi for me and a beer for Jason. (Disclaimer: In case you are worried, Kori's beverage needs were met by the $4.00 snow cone that turned her mouth a lovely shade of greenish blue -- I can only imagine what it did to her insides!) Anyway, those four thing set us back $23.75! WHAT!!! The beer itself was $6.75! For a liquid that tastes like dirty sock water? NO WAY and NO THANKS! My Diet Pepsi was $6.00 so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.

Anyway, the Royals were off to a good start, ahead by five when things took a turn for the worse. I excused myself a couple of times to go to the little girls room and Jason was so excited because each time the same guy would hit a home run. I was beginning to get a bit annoyed when he kept suggesting I leave when the Sox came up to bat. Then I realized he thought my trips to the potty were good luck for his team. I stayed firmly planted in my seat for the next round of Sox batters and they came up empty. My hubby was less than thrilled with my bladder and it's performance during that inning.

The game was fun, the girls were good for Amber and Kori had a great time with her mommy and daddy! So how about this:

Three tickets to the Royals/White Sox game: $75.00
Refreshments: $100 (There were more beers, cotton candy etc. later)
Mini Baseball and Bat: $15.08
Babysitter: $50.00
Making Memories With Kori: PRICELESS!!!!

I'll end with this tid bit which Jason and I found to be funny and yet sad. Jason and Kori were in line at the gift shop paying for Kori's mini pink Louisville slugger bat and mini-baseball while I browsed through some more WAY overpriced stuff. I came up at the last minute as she said "your total is $15.08. Jason gave her a $20.00 bill. I said, "Oh I have the eight cents". I had it to Jason and he goes to hand it to the girl. She was young, maybe 16 or 17, and she gives him this strange look and says in a very apologetic tone, "Uh, I'm sorry, I already punched it in as $20.00." Huh? Jason and I looked at each other. Now I don't know if she didn't know how to make change for the $20.08 instead of reading when the cash register told her she should do or what, but I found it VERY odd. I worry about what we're teaching our children in school these days. Do we learn to actually make change or do we just rely on cash registers or adding machines and calculators? Would it have been too hard to figure out that instead of $4.92, we needed a flat $5.00 bill back? **Sigh** I will make sure my kids can do simple math and make change without relying on electronic help.

Well I'm going to try anyway. In between reminding them that crime does NOT pay, drugs ARE bad, have morals and values and don't fart while sitting in close proximity to others when out in public, among many other things. Dang that's quite a to-do list!


Anonymous said...

As I was reading your post, I found myself getting more and more jealous! HOW FUN!!!!

I love that Kori had some alone time with you and Jason. :) I am sure it meant alot.