Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Conversations With A Six Year Old

Today Kori and I had to run to the post office and the library. As we were leaving the post office this question was asked of me.

K: Mom do cows eat strawberries to make strawberry milk.
M: (Giggling) Uh no, that's just flavoring that's added in after the fact honey.

K: Oh. I saw that on TV once. They fed a cow strawberries to make strawberry milk but it didn't work. It just made the cow poop more and then they had to figure out what to do with that.

M: (Horrified!!) WHAT in the WORLD were you watching?
K: I don't know, but it was a cartoon.

It was at that point I made a mental note that no matter how closely I felt I was screening the cartoons and such she was watching, I MUST do a better job!