Sunday, August 31, 2008


It's been a busy weekend for us!

Friday was spent doing housework. Nothing says TGIF like stripping beds, washing blankets, dusting, vacuuming, hand mopping floors! Jason kept the kiddos entertained when he got home from off-duty so that I could get done. I started at 10am and with having to stop and go pick-up Kori (it was an early release day) and fix lunch, put littles down for naps, etc. I finally got 12:20 a.m. Man I was tired!

Saturday I ran a couple of errands and then we headed off to a pool party in honor of my nephew's 16th birthday. I volunteered to get his birthday cake because I saw the bakery I use has an AWESOME one that looks like a Missouri Drivier's License. It turned out awesome and my nephew and his friends thought it was cool. Kori enjoyed swimming. The little girls enjoyed watching. The pool is big and not really set-up for little ones so we just watched from afar. It has a bleacher-type area where you can watch so they hung out there. They enjoyed watching everyone go off the diving board and kept themselves full by eating pizza and other snacks.

We headed off after that to a T-Bones game. It's similar to minor league baseball and it was a lot of fun! It was Community Heroes night so they honored military, fire, police, EMT's/Paramedics etc. Very cool opening ceremonies as well! The little girls did quite well, surprisingly. We went with my sister and niece and several people from the unit where Jason worked before his promotion. It was nice to see them again. Good to be out doing something different as well. It was "dollar night" too, which was an added bonus! The girls enjoyed the $1.00 hot dogs, 4 of them to be exact. Daddy enjoyed the $1.00 small draft beers, I didn't keep track of those. Anyway it was fun! We got home late and after baths and snacks the little girls were finally sleeping at 12:30 a.m.

We decided to just let them sleep in today and if they slept late they could just skip their nap and go to bed early. Alexis woke up at around NOON and Kamryn and Morgan at about 12:15! Wow, they were tired! So no naps for them. They are a bit grumpy and whiny and they all have runny noses. There was LOTS of sneezing going on so I am thinking (hoping!) it's allergies!

Today my sister, Kori and I headed off to Santa-Cali-Gon days! It's a huge festival that honors the merging of the Santa Fe, California and Oregon trails. It's in it's 29th year and I don't think I've missed more than a couple. There are stages for musical/dance performances, ice cream eating contests, various venders hawking their wares from salsa, to beer coozies, thermal replacement windows, healing magnetic bracelets, various craft projects and food! Mostly the food comes on sticks, that seems to be a popular way to serve it. There are corn dogs, frozen chocolate covered bananas, corn on the cob, cheesecake, pickles, alligator (yes you read that right), pork chops, chicken and shrimp. There might have been more "stick foods" but that's about all I can recall right now. There are also hot dogs, turkey legs, bar-b-que sandwiches and more! The food is really good. Definitely not good for you but good!

It's an interesting mixture of people. There are LOTS of tattoos and mullets! It's fun to just sit back and people watch while you enjoy your "stick food". There are big tents full of lots of goodies and some not-so-goodies to browse through. It gets hot in there! People step on you and bump into you. There's LOTS of B.O. (body odor) which is never good! I mean seriously, if I can smell you from several yards away, you can't tell me YOU can't smell YOURSELF! YUCK! I always put the deodorant on extra thick when I head out there. Today someone even completed farted while they were up wind from us. It was gross and my sister and I were completely disgusted. Kori thankfully didn't catch any of it. I can only imagine what would have come out of her mouth. My sister got a BIG chuckle today when she professed, "Mommy, it's hotter than hell out here." OMG!!! I politely instructed her that was no way to talk, while agreeing with her that it was quite warm, all the while kicking my sister in an attempt to get her to stop laughing. Kids!

In case your wondering the littles stayed home with Daddy. Daddy despises what he calls, "Santa-Crap-i-gon" so he's never sad to miss out.

Jason's back to work tonight and everyone else is sleeping. I think I'll head there myself.


Mama Pooh said...

Yeah!!! Go Steelers! I know you love them or at least Jason does as much as I do and since they played rival Browns this past weekend (Matt's a Browns fan) I knew there would be excitement in your home!