Friday, August 1, 2008


To update about my sinus issues. I had a follow up appointment yesterday. OH THE HUMANITY was it painful! I was still SUPER congested. The doctor slapped on his shiny disk headband thing, took a look up there and said, "Yep, you've got a lot of congestion up there." Uh, no kidding, I sound ridiculous, was that the first clue. He thing proceeds to get these very LONG tweezers, to my horror. I promptly blurt out, "Uh what do you think your doing with those?" He informs me we're "eradicating the congestion". I hear "digging up your nose with these long tweezer things. Oh man, it was painful! Had I known that would be the case I would have taken TWO pain pills that I washed down with hard liquor, rubbing alcohol, or something of the like prior to coming.

I am glad I didn't wear any makeup as I had tears streaming down my face. If I would have had makeup mixed in there I would have looked even more atrocious than I already do. Needless to say about thirty minutes of eradicating later, I could breathe much better. Not great but better. My nose is now as sore as ever, and I have to go back next week for more digging, uh eradicating.

I'm starting to not like this doctor very much.

So that's where I am. Breathing somewhat better. Still lots of drainage and pressure. Still sleeping propped up on two pillows because laying flat causes even more pressure. I will survive this too. I think.


Anonymous said...

Yucko! I am sorry, girlfriend, that you are having to go through this.
