Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weak From The Cuteness

Some days my kids are so cute it just makes me weak from the cuteness. These are the same children that on many days make me count down the minutes until bedtime peace comes to our house at long last.

Today when Jason got up the girls were ever so happy to see him as usual. How come when he gets up they cheer him like an olympic champion returning home with a slew of medals. I get greeted with "I want out, I'm wet, change my diapy, I'm wet, I'm wet, I want out first, no me first, no me first". Oh well, such is life. Anyhow this was the scene that quickly followed.

This is how I found Kamryn tonight, clutching her cloth diaper "lovey" and the little brown dog of Kori's that she's adopted. It's the ONLY other thing besides her lovey and pillow that she will allow in bed with her. She's JUST started sleeping on her pillow. She used to only want it grazing the stop of her head. So sweet!!!

This is Alexis. Kori dressed her up the other day. While I know she looks rather vagrant-ish, I think she's the cutest little begger in town!


Liz said...

They are very cute!

Anonymous said...

Shew! I feel a bit woozy myself! TOO CUTE

Sleepy Kamryn reminds me of Bailey. Doe she not like pillowcases either? Bailey always wants it off.- even when I try to sneak and put it back on. -- Off it comes!