Sunday, August 17, 2008

Special Day!

Well tomorrow is Kori's first day of the first grade! Huh? How in the heck did that happen! Wasn't it just yesterday we were on our way home from the hospital? Wasn't Kindergarten just last week????? Surely I'm missing something. At any rate the summer flew by and school is upon us once again. She is excited and anxious and a bit nervous, but she is looking forward to it.

Today was her special day since it was her last day of summer break. She picked this evenings menu for dinner and I made a cherry pie for her for dessert. She picked steak, Stove Top Stuffing (it's her new favorite thing!) and corn on the cob. I fixed her plate first for dinner and she thought that was super cool! The little girls were less than thrilled with having to wait an extra minute or two for theirs. We're still working on our patience around here. :-)

After he bath I painted her fingernails and we picked out tomorrow's outfit so I think we're ready. She was less than pleased with the menu choices for lunch so she opted to take her lunch so I have to do that yet. Her backpack is loaded and ready. Her mommy, well not so much! Time is just going by sooooo fast! I know she's ready and there aren't as many nerves for me this year than last year that's for sure. I'm still gonna walk her in for the first couple of days. Probably more for me than for her.

So on the eve of the 1st day of 1st grade I bid you adieu! I need to go iron the rest of the weeks clothing choices and make a lunch.


Anonymous said...

((HUGS)) How did she do?? How did YOU do?

You're right.-- Time is flying by.