Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I have tried to teach Kori for YEARS that pointing is rude. She's pretty good, but occasionally slips up. I give her a little slack, she's six after all. Well today after school we decided due to the severe dwindling stacks of diapers it was time for a trip to Sam's. Off we went!

Through the course of our journey (EVERYTHING is a journey with four kids, three the same age!) we were pointed to at least 10-15 times while at Sam's alone. Add in a few more times coming and going in the parking lot. Then factor in a few at dinner and it was probably more than 20-25 times.

I realize that triplets aren't common. I handle the questions, whispers, snickers, and other silly things that happen to us. But pointing? I just want to scream STOP POINTING IT IS VERY RUDE AND YOUR SETTING A BAD EXAMPLE AS ADULTS FOR MY 6-YEAR OLD!!!! But I don't, cause that would be rude and people might think I am a bit crazy. Oh wait, I am a bit crazy. Oh well, no need to let everyone know that.