Sunday, April 6, 2008

How about some venting...

Jason was off from Wednesday night through Saturday night. He had off-duty Thursday, court all morning on Friday, Kori and I had dentist appointments Friday afternoon. We arrived home just in time for him to leave for off-duty for the evening. Saturday he played paintball with a few guys from work. He took my nephew along as well which was cool. It started at 1pm...he got home at 5:50. Not real happy on my end. Today he slept in and then left at 5pm to go and play softball before going to work. **Sigh**

Let me say that I don't begrudge him doing things for himself. I don't, at all. It just seems that sometimes he can be a tad bit selfish in this area. He goes to run or work out a couple of times a week, he plays poker every now and then. He plays Spring/Summer/Fall softball. On his Sundays off he plays basketball. Factor in some golf, paintball, etc. that's a lot of things for himself. I just wish sometimes he'd step back and look at my life. I can barely get 5 minutes to go to the bathroom...alone, let alone do anything for myself. I don't count errands like Target/Walmart/grocery store. Those do not bring me pleasure in any way shape or form. This week with his busy schedule I had to go to the store at 10:30 p.m., on a Friday night. Not my idea of a good time. It's his rare weekends and I like to do something as a family and have a little down time to reconnect with him after a crazy week. I'm silly, I married someone I loved and love spending time with. Is that so wrong???

Okay, venting over.