Monday, April 7, 2008


Well the girls are all snotty, coughing, sneezy etc. Well the little ones anyway. Kori is doing well. They slept poorly last night and were super clingy today, but we survived. Jason had a meeting this afternoon so I had to take them with me to pick up Kori. Kamryn pooped out about 7:15 tonight and Alexis and Morgan went down about 8pm, although Morgan was awake until 9:30 or so.

But after an exhausting night and day, it was the creme de la creme when the Kansas Jayhawks beat the Memphis Tigers in overtime tonight to become the NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!! Oh my goodness, I felt like I was going to have a stroke. My tummy was in knots! What a game!!!! Woo hooooooo!

Better shower and get some sleep, who knows what the night entails and Jason has off-duty tomorrow before going into work his regular shift so it's me and the girls all day and all night. Whoopee!!