Thursday, April 10, 2008


Today I had an interesting experience. I finally gave in and called my doctor to beg for him to call me in an antibiotic to try and tame this raging sinus infection I have. He's usually pretty good about it, since I get them about eight times a year. I was successful and his nurse called me back about 11:00 this morning to tell me that it had been called in. Once Jason was up and the girls were settled at the table eating lunch, I went off in the rain to CVS to pick it up.

I must say that this CVS has gone down hill in the last several months. The people that work there can be extremely rude and unprofessional. I only keep going there because they have a drive-thru and it's super convenient when I have all the kiddos with me. That being said they are building a new one, with a drive-thru closer to me than this one and I cannot wait to transfer my prescriptions to it. Hoping and praying none of these morons go to the new place. That would be about my luck.

Anyway, I go inside because 1-it's just me and 2-I need to pick up a couple more things. I get my things and head to the pharmacy. Lo and behold they can't find my prescription. (I am NOT surprised as this happens everytime I go there! It's secretly goes to Bermuda or somewhere and simply disappears...weird!) Anyhow, I finally get the guy, oh wait, he refers to himself as "Pharmacist Bob". I'm NOT making that up. He told another customer that and that's what he kept saying. Whatever Bob. Well he finally discovers that my prescription call-in is still trapped in their phone messaging system. He seemed perplexed by that, but then admitted it wasn't check in a timely fashion like it should have been. No duh, Pharmacist Bob. He assures me that it will be ready shortly and I tell him I'm going to leave my two small items on the counter and I sit down and read a Soap Opera Magazine.

Now in the short 1-2 minutes I told him I was leaving my two things there, he is helping another customer and starts ringing up my stuff with her stuff. Duh, Pharmacist Bob. I am not impressed with your memory skills. Must be a man thing. He says to the other customer, "Rats, I'm just frosted I guess." Huh? What the hell does that mean. I go back to my magazine so I can see what is in store for my peeps on General Hosptial.

Pharmacist Bob and his buddy are now discussing weekend plans. I hear "That would totally get me frosted" a couple of times, and a few other references of frosted. I am totally confused now and go back to my happy place and reading my magazine.

I hear P.B. (Pharmacist Bob) keep saying something that he ends with "honey". I finally look up and, oh, it's me he was talking to??? I say, "did you just call me honey?" P.B. replies, "Yep, your good to go sweet heart. Told you I could be frosted". HUH? What the heck is he talking about. I thought frosted meant you were mad or irritated. That is NOT the context in which he was using the word.

Anyway, I am thankful that I am able to leave finally and am at the counter promptly to pay for my purchases. P.B.: "Do you have your Extra Savings card?" Me: "Uh yes, I just handed it to you." P.B.: "I can be so frosted sometimes". Me: (Silence - I am still not sure WHAT to say to that).

I now am caught up in a fit of coughing. Now P.B., he's an observant one. He says "Aren't you feeling good?" Me: "Nope, I feel like shit". Now I normally wouldn't say that, but I'm getting "frosted" (I used it correctly, well my version anyway) and he's on my nerves. I mean I look a mess! I have NO make-up on, I have on faded black capri pants, flip flops and a Route 66 Branson, Missouri t-shirt that has probably seen better days. Thankfully my hair looks semi-decent. My face is swollen from the previously mentioned sinus infection and my nose is red from blowing it 234,023,960 times, just since about 9am. What gave him the idea that I was feeling poorly? That and the hacking cough where I was sure I would produce a lung. Did I mention my voice sounds like an exact replica of Barry White???

The end is near! My purchases are being sacked! Woo hoo! I am frosted (I know that's not the right usage, but I'm using it like P.B. would!) that I am getting out of there...finally!

P.B.: Have you ever been to the Voo Doo lounge? (It's a bar at one of our local casinos)
Me: Uh, no. I don't get out much.

P.B. I've heard it's cool.
Me: Hmmm. (Not sure what to say so I just kind of acknowledge him.

P.B. I could use a Red Bull right now.
Me: (Silence - but I'm about to scream I WANT MY STUFF SO I CAN GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!!!!) I don't, but I'm close.

P.B. Well if you ever want to go to Voo Doo, come back up here and let me know, maybe we could go sometime.
Me: Uh, no I don't think so, but thanks. (Grab my sack and almost run speedy quick out of there. Well as speedy quick as you can in flip flops).

What I should have said was: Hell yeah Pharmacist Bob! How about Saturday night? Should I pick you up in my Honda MINI-VAN????? Would that be okay? Is it going to be a problem if I have my FOUR children with me? Did I mention I have 21-month old triplets P.B.???? Oh yikes!

Now while Bob wasn't ugly or unattractive per say. I will say he was NOT my type. If you were ever a Three's Company fan he totally reminded me of the type of personalty as Larry Dallas, Jack's best friend. I expect P.B. to wear velour shirts, unbuttoned to show an ample if not excessive amount of chest hair, with a few gold chains sprinkled in. I also see him driving a car with flames on it.

When I got home I told Jason "I totally just got asked out". His reply: "REALLY?" Like he couldn't believe it. He was about to get frosted!


Muskie Mom said...

That is hilarious! You should have offered to pick him up in your minivan with the kids--he would have been totally frosted!

Kirsten and Cory said...

You are soo funny! I will have to start using that word w/ different meanings now too! You should have also mentioned that your dh was a police officer...just in case he is the "stalker type" ;)

Anonymous said...

I loved Three's Company!! And I totally have a picture in my head of P.B!!

Too funny!