Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Kori told me tonight that her tummy felt "jiggly inside". Upon questioning her further to determine exactly what she meant by that (wanted to make sure I didn't need the "chuck bucket" on the ready in case jiggly meant about to barf). Thankfully it did NOT. Tomorrow is "Take Your Kid To Work Day" and she is going to work with my sister Becky, who is also taking my 15-year old nephew to work with her too. I think she has some cheap child labor in mind for keeping the two of them busy.

I am taking Kori in the morning and will pick her up after lunch. I figure if she stays all day she'll surely drive someone crazy. After too long she'll get bored.

At any rate the jiggliness in her tummy was due to the excitement she was feeling over getting to go to work with Aunt Becky tomorrow.

When this came up in conversation several weeks ago I told her she could always just stay home with me all day and do what I do. What did my sweet child think of that idea? I got a quick and unequivocal "uh no thanks Mom!" Oh, isn't she sweet!

I asked her today in the car after I picked her up if "B's" breath was any better today. She informed me that it indeed was a little better. I replied that was good and that maybe he had brushed his teeth a little better this morning before school. Her reply, "Nope, his teeth were still way brown". The kid can be brutally honest. At least she is kind to others to their face. We talk about these type of things when we're alone. She knows that maybe some people don't have the same ideas about things that we do. Maybe "B's" mom isn't a complete freak about oral hygiene like Kori's is.