Monday, April 14, 2008

I Am Waving My...

White flag of surrender! I give up and give in! I am still sick. I am on antibiotics but am still feeling like crap! I need to feel better. I have things I need to get done. I am tired of being sick.

The girls are still coughing/sneezing/snotting. Tired of wiping tired! KLEENEX is loving me...we're giving their business LOTS of money as of late!

Kori has a sore throat again. Tonight she said her eye was burning. It was slightly reddish when I took a looksy. Like maybe there was something in it. Further investigation revealed there was indeed something in it...GOOP! The kind that indicates pink eye might be involved. GREAT! I have some slightly expired eye drops. Do I risk it or not? I mean only by a few days. I cleaned it real good before bed with a warm wash cloth. Checked an hour later...more goop....LOTS OF IT! I should probably start one of those countdown calendars to count down how long it will be before the little ones get it. Not to mention Mallory as they were over tonight for a bit. (I have forewarned Becky -- sorry Becky) We might be even now as we think we got it from her in Nov. 2006. All four girls got it. It's no fun!

So if you see us, we're the ones with snotty red noses, hacking coughs and now goopy red eyes.

I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!