Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fresh Air, A Walk, Rocks and Sidewalk Chalk

These things made my children very happy this evening. It was nice here today, albeit a bit windy for a lot of the day. After dinner the wind had died down and I sprung the kids for a wagon ride. They were already suffering from coughing, sneezy and runny boogery noses, so really, what would it hurt? They enjoyed their ride as usual. They love that sill ol' choo-choo wagon! Kori rode her scooter and chased the girls and had them in hysterics. Nothing better than a nice walk, pulling around 80 pounds of kiddos and getting to hear them squeal with laughter. It's good for the soul.

I let them loose when we got home and they did really well. Keeping them all corralled has been a worry of mine. With Kori I always took a lawn chair and sat with a magazine while she rode her bike/scooter etc. and kept an eye on her that way. I'm not sure that will happen with these guys for quite a while, but that's okay. I did some light weeding in the flower beds while the girls happily played with sidewalk chalk. They were in heaven! Messy, but heaven still.

Then they moved on to playing with the rocks from the front landscaping. Oh the joy! Well Alexis was having a good time playing with Kori's old little toy push lawnmower. She wouldn't let anyone else touch it. Might be a good idea to pick up another one or two to stop any further conflicts. Kamryn piled rocks, lined up the rocks, inspected the rocks, threw the rocks on the ground. It was great fun! She even managed to sample a little dirt from my flower pots in front. She promptly declared it "yucky!" She then said "Mommy, need watey" (that is her version of water). We snagged a Capri Sun from the garage fridge and peace was once again restored.

A good evening!


Anonymous said...

These girls are a hoot! Each face is adorable and yet, so funny!

Kori is a beauty!