Saturday, April 19, 2008

Is It Just Me?

I have the strangest encounters with people on the rare occasion I am out in public.

On Wednesday it was Kori's school night at our local Ci-Ci's pizza so off we went. Afterwards I remembered we needed milk so I ran in next door to the pizza joint to get some. I am standing in line waiting for the checker to grace us with her presence. I was thumbing through a magazine when I hear the tell tale signs of "tsk tsk". I look up and there is an older lady in front of me making this noise, while looking at me. She is also shaking her head, you know like shame shame. I just look at her and she says, "You know, you should really be more careful." I reply with a nice "excuse me?" She then informs me that "People like you with fair skin need to have sun screen on ALL the time. It's too risky to take chances." I'm confused and I say "Huh?" To which I get "You got too much sun today." I was shocked, I hadn't been outside, unless you count getting in my car in the garage and getting out to walk in to the pizza place. I assured her that she was mistake that I hadn't been outside and she said "Well your sunburned". No, no I wasn't, not even the littlest bit.

I decided not to get into a verbal disagreement about it with her. I am an almost 10-year melanoma survivor, I wear sunscreen when I'm out. I put it on my kiddos religiously! Sometimes I wish people would mind their own business.