Monday, April 28, 2008


Life is hard sometimes. I go through spells where I feel way underappreciated and get tired of being the family doormat. Tired of people wiping their feet on me without so much as a thank you for the things I do. That is where I am right now.

I am also sick to death of my husband being on nights. It will be three years on May 26, 2008. I am over it, have been over it a while ago, and get more and more over it every single day.

God wanted to drive this point home to me on Saturday night. Kori's bathroom tub faucet was dripping and disturbing me while I was trying to read her her bedtime story. I went in to check it and make sure the handle was turned all the way off. I pushed on it and felt something give and now we went from a trickle to water pouring out of the faucet. It was hot water too. Great! I called Jason at work and asked if there was a way to turn off the water to Kori's bathroom only. Nope. Great! So I hurry up and go and take a shower before I have to shut off the water to the house. I wouldn't have worried about it except I had a severe case of "skunk butt" as I had worked out and I definitely needed that shower. Remember I said Kori's water coming out was hot. About 1/4 of the way through my shower my water began to cool off. Great! By the time it came time to rinse my hair it was freezing cold.

I called Jason back and told him that he was going to have to come home and fix it. His response was "Uh, I can't." My response was "WHY NOT?!?!?" His response, "I'm tied up on a shooting scene and I don't know when I'll be able to get away." Great! I knew my dad couldn't come as he still isn't 100% from breaking his femur, not to mention my mom, who is their driver now, CANNOT drive at night. So I had to break down and call my brother-in-law. Mind you it's midnight now. I felt like a turd, but desperate means call for desperate measures at times. Thankfully they had been out on a date and weren't in bed yet. I got the handle off and he got it turned off with a wrench when we got here. Crisis diverted for now. I called Jason back and told him he didn't have to come home after he got done that things were calm for now.

How come things never happen during the day when he's most likely to be home? Even if he would be sleeping. I am tired of having the after dinner/bath/bedtime routine every night alone. I'm tired of dealing with sick kiddos alone at night. I'm tired of having to deal with broken house stuff at night alone. I'm sick of sleeping alone. I'm sick of the responsibility of 4 little people at night alone. I'm just sick of nights, period.

Okay, I'm done whining about that for now. I haven't whined about it in a while, perhaps that will get it out of my system for a bit now. Back to my motherly duties.


Muskie Mom said...

Hang in there, this season of your life will be over before you know it. You do need the aromatherapy, I'm glad you won!