Friday, September 28, 2007


Do I have everyones attention now? I'm sure I do. This morning Kori was updating me on a story she told me a few weeks ago. The counselor at her school broke her foot while playing with her dog. Kori informed me in the car this morning while I was waiting to drop her off at school that the counselor still had to wear a special shoe, like Aunt Becky did (my sister had a broken bone in her foot and wore an orthopedic shoe for a while). She then said, "but she doesn't have to use her crotches anymore." Whew, good thing I suppose. I informed Kori politely that it was crutches. Which got an "Oh, crutches" response from her. Thankfully it was time for my hug and kiss before she hopped out of the car to go to school. That was about as long as I could hold my giggle. Can't imagine walking with the aid of crotches when you have a foot or leg problem, can you?

Not the picture to the right of my blog. I've hadded to add Mallory there. My "blog master" AKA my sister Becky, informed me that her picture should be there with my girls and not in one of my posts. Okay, I will do that for you my dear Becky. Because I love you and your daughter so!

I purchased a new outfit to wear out tomorrow when Jason and I go to celebrate our anniversary. Took Kori...aka Chatterbox with me. My sister met me at the mall too. Always a humbling experience to purchase clothes. Mind you my main "mommy uniform" is a sloppy shirt that I don't care gets slopped up with whatever substance happens to make it's way on my clothing and a pair of sloppy shorts. If I'm actually leaving the house for something other than taking Kori to and from school I do try and do better. I should clarify that is my summer uniform. My husband informed me that my winter uniform is the same sloppy shirts and sweat pants. Men! He should be thankful I am showered daily and shave my legs on occasion. Thankfully for him the Au Natural look just isn't for me. At any rate after much giggling and snickering on the behalf of the shopping girls I found an outfit that I am comfortable with. It's not a look I normally go for, but I am excited to wear. That's got to count for something right?

Pray for our sitter tomorrow evening. This will probably be the last we ever see of her. I can see it now. Jason and I several years from now saying, "Remember Chloann? She sure was a nice friend. Wonder where she disappeared too after she left our house and we never heard from her again?"

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's My Anniversary

Wasn't that a song? Jason and I celebrated out 9-year anniversary today. Well celebrate is probably an overstatement. We did the usual stuff. It was a gorgeous day weather-wise! So crisp and clear and just gorgeous! Mid 70's, I was in heaven! We went to Cody's football game. It was close to us in Liberty so we thought we'd take advantage. Unfortunately they lost 20-0. I think that makes them 2-2 now. Oh well, the girls had a good time seeing my folks and Aunt Becky and Cousin Mallory, as well as enjoying the fresh air, so no harm there! We had a lovely anniversary Arby's. Oh well, I didn't have to cook it at least. The girls did not have Arby's however. They aren't big french fry fans and there just isn't a lot there for them to eat.

Tonight is Jason's last day at work for 4-days. We are going on a date on Saturday!!!!! Woo hoo! We haven't been on a date in a while! There aren't a lot of babysitting offers beating down our door if you believe that. Our friend Chloann has volunteered to come and mind the herd. Kori is excited to spend time with them too! Chloann and Gianna came over today to visit. It was nice to have some adult interaction for a change. I think the girls enjoyed having someone different to make their own personal jungle gym.

The girls did GREAT sleeping last night. I always worry a bit after they've had their shots. They went down at 8:15 last night and fell right to sleep. Didn't hear a peep out of them until 9:30 this morning! Wow! They were happy and well rested when they woke up!

Can I vent a bit about school. Not the teachers or the school itself, the lack of involvement by parents for their kids sake. It is color week this week and next week. Each day being a different theme. I posted about it in a different blog. Today was blue day. I ask if everyone participated and of course Kori said no. There is one little girl who didn't participate on "Silly Sock Day" and has yet to participate in the themed color days. The school isn't asking you to go and buy new stuff. Doesn't everyone have SOMETHING blue? Jeans even for goodness sake! Did she wear them today...nope she wore a black skirt! Save that for black day! I mean seriously, are the parents not reading the notes and such that come home from school or are they just not making sure to get it done? So frustrating! This same little girl didn't bring a snack for the class on her designated day. It's TOTALLY not the students fault, I just get irritated when people don't make an effort for their children's sake. I would never want Kori to be embarassed because I forgot to do something. Okay rant over.

Well I should go tackle some more laundry. It never ends I tell you! Fear not dirty clothing, I come bearing warm sudsy water to clean thee!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


If you asked my family and some of my friends to describe me in one word, I'm pretty sure this is the word that they would use. I would have to agree with them. I come from a long line of stubborn women, my mom probably being the most stubborn of them all!

Today I took the trio to the doctor for their 15-month check-up and shots. I tried to move it last week since it conflicted with Kori needing to be picked up from school. That was a no-go and the receptionist was a total crab when she told me it wasn't really an option. Okay, so I prepare for the trip and pray for the best. My mom could have gone I know, but I just hate to ask her for help. Her health is so not great. My dad has been having some issues this past week or so as well, so I just hate to burden them, even though this isn't how they see it. Jason volunteered to go and help me load everyone in and then leave when it was time to go and get Kori. He didn't get to bed until 8am and I hated to think of him getting up with only about 5 1/2 hours of sleep. I wouldn't ask my sister to take time off from work either and there just aren't many other options, so I just sucked it up and figured I just needed to do it.

We were doing great! Got all the girls fed lunch and down early so they got a great nap before going. I DEFINITELY didn't want to take grumpy kiddos to the doctor for shots, alone. I took Jason's mom to the airport. Got makeup on and hair fixed, dressed in clothes that didn't have body fluids of the littles on them. Had Cheerios and sippy cups fixed. Got everyone up and they were dressed already but got them in shoes and socks and changed and we were ready to go. Check the clock, HOORAY it's 2:00. Right on schedule! Uh, someone forgot to give Alexis the memo. She pooped! Change her, can I mention I hate jeans, shoes etc. when trying to change little ones in a hurry, they can be such a pain!

Halfway to the doctor's office a foul smell starts to permeate the car. I say, "Okay, who poopied?" to which my sweet Kamryn says "Me!". Too cute! She was correct, it was her. After the changing etc. the race was on to get everyone checked and weighed. Is it necessary they need to be undressed? I just worked so hard getting them dressed only a short while ago. Okay, okay, off come the clothes. Alexis is 22.1 lbs., 31 1/2 inches. Morgan is 29.10 lbs., 34 1/4 inches. Kamryn is 25.6 lbs., 34 inches. They are doing GREAT! Dr. Storm is always so thrilled to see them! On to the more unpleasant part of the visit. The shots...two of them each. Oh joy, oh joy! Morgan doesn't cry, as usual. The girl is TOUGH I tell ya! Alexis, bad news sister, your up next. A little whimpering. Extra nurse tries to hold her, uh not a good idea. Alexis gives her the "Back Off Sister" shriek and stands in between my legs where it's safe. Kamryn senses she's the next victim as soon as I lay her down on the table. She cries for only a short time. Whew, we all survived. Why am I sweating so much? Nerves, exertion? Who knows. Great, now I have to get every ones pants back on. I put the shirts on while we were waiting for the nurse to come with the needles of pain! The shoes...yep right in the wagon. I was not doing that again. No one was walking, the socks would do just fine. We pay, we get out of the building, everyone is happy. I feel victorious!!!!!! I did it!!! Woo hoo! Man, I'm tired. Hungry too...oh right, I forgot to eat lunch. I celebrate with a small cheeseburger from Wendy's and a big ol' Diet Coke.

We had horrendous storms last night! After falling asleep finally at 1:45 a.m., the storms get me up at 4am. Kori comes barrelling into bed with me at 4:47 a.m. The power goes out at 4:54 a.m. The room feels super stuffy at 5:03 a.m. FINALLY fall back to sleep at 6:15 a.m. Power back on (thank goodness) just before 8am. The ceiling fan stirring the stale air felt wonderful!!!! Did I mention that sump pumps don't work so good when the power is out? Listening now to the fan whirring away in the sub-basement as it dries out. Thankfully not much water came in.

Evening came with Alexis having a gross diaper! I'll spare the details...but it was gross. Kamryn thought it looked like a good idea and wanted to see if she could top her sister. They were equally gross. Everyone got cleaned up and fresh jammies. After a snack and Motrin for the trio, two stories, prayers and hugs for Kori, all four are sleeping soundly. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!

Well I should go and fold ANOTHER load of laundry. I'm thinking of starting International Naked Week. Naked = no clothes. No clothes = no laundry! I'm waiting for my washer and dryer to boycott someday! They are overworked and am I. What I lack for in money and material things however, I make up ten fold in love and adoration!

Happy early anniversary to my wonderful hubby! Nine years in only 30-minutes! Wow!!! Time flies when your having fun...or up to your elbows in kiddos! Life is good!

Monday, September 24, 2007


I must preface this entry with a secret. I am an addict. Admitting it is the first step right? What exactly am I addicted to you are probably asking? Candy Corn Hersey Kisses!!!! They are heaven in a little aluminum wrapper! They aren't chocolate, but a creamy white chocolate...well it's colored yellow, orange and white of course. It's so creamy and yummy! Flavored with the taste of candy corn...oh man! I had three for "breakfast" and three for my dessert after lunch. I think I could eat the whole bag, but I don't think that would be wise.

On to the why question...

Dearest Kamryn! Why oh why must you poop right after I give you a bath? You are all fresh and clean and you take a nice little dump in your diaper only minutes after the bath has been completed. Why is that? Does the warm bath water do something to relax your colon, making it a good idea to take said dump?

Dearest Alexis! Why oh why must your spash soooooo much? I understand that splashing can be fun. Drowning your mommy, the floor, walls, toilet and anything in the general vicinity of the tub...not such a good idea! I could have entered a wet t-shirt contest after your bath today. It wouldn't have been pretty and I certainly would not have won, but I could have most definitely been a contestant. I beg and plead with you to which you giggle and splash away. Oh little one, you will be the source of many of my gray hairs in the future...heck there are probably several hundred sprouting up already!

Dearest Morgan! Why oh why do you think it's fun to do the 50-yard dash naked and wet down the hallway. Squealing in delight as you speed away from me! Today you had extra time because the phone rang (dang ol' Aunt Be-Be! :-) ) Wow you are fast! Just keep in mind, cellulite dimples on your butt and thighs are only cute until you hit a certain age...then not so much!

Alright my sweet ones! You are sleeping soundly and your sister is at school. Guess I better go do something!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Today we ran errands, Kori and I. Blach! I wasn't in the mood and made a bone-headed mistake. I get all excited at Target. They had diapers 2 for $15.00! What a deal! Much cheaper than what I get at Walmart. WRONG! They packs only contained 20 diapers! So forty diapers for $15.00! I get 88 at Walmart for $19.97 for something like that! I picked up the two packs that had 60 each in them...which would have been fine, but they were $17.50 each! What a knuckle-head! Read the signs Missy, read the signs! Needless to say I returned the Target diapers and got my normals from Walmart for the cheaper price. Smart? Not me!

We found Kori's costume for Halloween! The Wizard of Oz theme is coming together nicely! Kori will be Dorothy (complete with glittery red shoes - oh joy!), Morgan will be the tin-man, (or as we like to call her, the tin-girl!), Alexis will be the scarecrow and Kamryn will be the lion. Last but not least, my adorable niece Mallory will be the "wicked" witch. She's the cutest darn witch I've ever seen! It's going to be so cute! I have Kori and Kamryn's costumes now. Aunt Judy will make me a tin-girl one for Morgan and possibly Alexis's scarecrow one too. If not, I think I can whip up a scarecrow one pretty easily. I'm excited! I think it will be adorable!

Lots of company today! Becky and Mallory came over. Can I just say Mallory was adorable in her red polka dot dress and red glittery shoes! So sweet! Then Liz, Christy and Steve Faron came by on their way to take Christy to the airport. I miss seeing them! Life is so busy, I am often regretful that I am not a better friend. Christy is newly married and is now living in North Carolina with her husband Matt. She was in town for a wedding and wanted to stop by for a few minutes before heading to the airport to go back "home". I wish she were still here! It's funny it turned out like it did. Kori was just lamenting yesterday over the fact that Christy is far away now since she married Matt and moved away. She just doesn't understand why she's so far away. She's misses their lunch dates and rides in Christy's convertible Mustang. Oh man, does my kids have a love for those things thanks to "Aunt" Christy! While riding in the car there is never a trip we don't hear "Mustang" from the back where Kori is sitting. She loves them! She says often "I'm going to have a Mustang when I get older, then Cody will think I am so cool!" She doesn't understand that Cody is 10-years older than her and will probably never think she is cool, but I won't break her heart!
Jason headed back off to work tonight. Have I mentioned how sick of nights I am? It's been over two years now and I've totally hit the wall with it! I know if he were on days our life would be just as hectic, but at least I would have him here with us at night. I am so tired of sleeping alone! In the 9-years married and 11-years together, I bet we've only regularly slept together 1/2 of that, maybe less. For years we didn't have the same days off, now he's gone all night while I'm here sleeping. Blach! Tired of it! The transfer is in to if someone would just leave and open up a spot for him. **Crossing my fingers!**
With the exception of a brief spell of "sleep talking" from Morgan all four girls are sleeping soundly in their beds. Kori sacked out right away. Jason checked on her five minutes after she went to bed and was amazed she was out so quickly! The trio went down easily and fell asleep quickly. The house is so quiet right now. Nothing stirring...just the soft music playing over the baby monitor. I do relish these times. The house is so hectic and crazy all day long, I enjoy the peace and quiet when everyone settles in for sleep.
I was amazed to feel around in Kamryn's mouth tonight to discover she has cut a molar! I knew (judging by the diapers we had last week yuck!) that teething issues were amongst us, but didn't know any were actually through. The bottom right one is completely through and the two top ones are just coming through. I can only hope the other two will teethe as effortlessly! Kori always did so I'm keeping my finger crossed.
Well I guess I will shower and retire for the night with a little reading!

Saturday, September 22, 2007


For breakfast today we plowed through a doezen eggs, 1/2 a loaf of bread for toast and a 1/2 pound of ham which I fried. Yikes!

After breakfast I thought it would be a good idea to take the girls to the park. It was nice outside and Jason was off, so why not right? Well after getting everyone dressed, changed and in shoes and socks off we go. We get everyone loaded in the car and we're on our way. Great, that only took about 30 minutes. Oh the days when things were simple. We get to the park, load the girls in the choo-choo wagon and off we go to have fun. Oh wait, we have "clear" kids so we are in desperate need of sunscreen, darn this extra fair skin anyway! Okay, tack on another ten minutes for sunscreen application. We were two steps into the park when we see the pointing and hear the whispers, shouts, "awwwwwwws" and whatnot. My personal fave is "look they have triplets". This is always said in a whisper. Uh really, geez thanks for pointing that out, we had no idea! Anyway, we're learning to just ignore the dumb people when this happens. We put the girls in the swings, which is met with tears. How come I have the three kids on the planet that HATE to swing! It's a right of passage girls, I try and reassure them. They aren't having it. Morgan was content to roam around and have a grand ol' time. Kamryn and Alexis preferred the safe confines of the choo-choo wagon. Kori ran around like a butterfly flitting from one activity to the next. Life was good.

Now we get everyone home, changed and throw some lunch into them. They are now overtired and way ready for naps.

I am in the bathroom and I hear the doorbell ring. Jason had been outside so I tell Kori to peek and see who it is. "It's a girl mom and we don't know her". Jason finally comes up and hears the front storm door closing. He notices a girl walking off and our "NO SOLICITING" sign has been ripped partially of the door. WTF??? I hop in the van and drive down the street to have a chat with her about it. She informs me she is selling magazines for a charity that helps young people start their own businesses after high school. I asked her if they also teach them to damage the property of others. She denies it and say she was trying to stick it back on. Uh no, it was just fine five minutes before she came when I went out to get the mail! I am livid!!! I get the business name and address from her and come back. We call the police more to get her out of our subdivision. I follow a ways back in the van to keep an eye on her and she starts flipping me off. Real nice! I'm sure the fundraiser people will be proud to know they have a thug on their team! Long story short, we were reimbursed from the apologetic man in charge of the fundraising. Apparently they are in Texas and are here selling magazine subscriptions. Stay in Texas if your going to come and vandalize peoples property. Ugh! So angry still! The gall of people never ceases to amaze me.

Took Cody (my nephew) his clothes and corsage for Homecoming tonight. How can it be that my sweet nephew is 15, in high school and going to homecoming...with a GIRL! Oh where has the time gone???

The girls have all been bathed and are sleeping soundly. I think I'll curl up with Jason for a little TV before bed!

Hopefully tomorrow will be less "exciting"!

Friday, September 21, 2007


House cleaned - check! Kiddos in bed - check! Laundry done - in progress as we speak! Shower - check! So here we go!

How is it that it can take all day to clean a house, but only a few minutes to mess it up? Could be the six people we have living here, but whatever. I have cleaned again. Everyone has fresh sheets and blankies as well. Ahhhhh...sleeping on fresh sheets is the best. I also got to do something today that I know everyone in the world longs to do. I got to take a warm soapy rag and wipe all the snot marks off of my green micro-fiber furniture. Why when they have colds must they run their little noses up and down the sofa, chair, ottoman and throw pillows??? It looked like a slug had a hell of a time trekking across my furniture. Kids can be gross sometimes! Oh well, it has all been removed and everything is fresh and wonderful again.

I chuckled as I checked in on the girls before coming down. Kori sacked out and completely exhausted snoring softly. Morgan stirred a bit but settled back down to sleep. There was a tiny drool mark on the sheet where her mouth had been...all I'm gonna say is like father like daughter. :-) Kamryn was curled up on her side with her little chubby feet looking so cute. And then there was Alexis. Snoring softly, her little fuzzy hair sticking up in the back. I swear she reminded me of a brand new baby bird. She had the cutest little look on her face and her little hair sticking up, she was a little bird I tell you! So cute! It's times like that I can reflect on my life and see how truly blessed I am. When I'm vacuuming the kitchen floor for the millionth time of the day, or rubbing snot marks off the furniture, it's hard to recall those moments. They are all truly miraculous and wonderful to me!

Kori came home from Kindergarten today with a note. They are working on "mastering their colors". Uh, shouldn't kids in Kindergarten know their colors already? Okay, maybe that's just snobby of me, but seriously, shouldn't they??? At any rate for the next 10-school days, starting on Monday, there will be a theme color for the day. The kiddos must wear either a shirt or pants/shorts/skirt that is the color of the day. Oh great! I have to remember to send snacks when it's her snack day, put tennis shoes on her for P.E. days, not to mention every Friday is "red Friday". Today was silly sock day...egads, I can't keep it all straight. I have a dry-erase calendar on my refrigerator that looks like I am running plays in the NFL. I seriously need a legend or key like on a map so I know which is which and what means what. Gone are the days of cutting, coloring and pasting. Now I have to THINK about what color of the day it's going to be so I don't make her look like a loser if I forget. There have been a couple of kids that have forgotten it was their snack day. I would seriously die of embarassment for Kori if I did this, even though she probably wouldn't give it too much thought. So at any rate, Monday is purple day. Great, did I mention Kori wore a purple shirt today with purple feathered "silly socks"? We don't have a lot of purple, but I managed to find a shirt for Monday. I picked out shirts of the right color for the week and hung them in the front of the closet in an attempt to keep me on task and not screw this up. School is so hard!!!

Jason has returned from a night of off-duty at the "Octoberfest". Someone should tell the organizers it's still September. What's the point of having an "Octoberfest" when it's not in October???? How about calling it "Septemberfest". Oh well, everyone just goes there for the beer I'm sure anyway.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Jason decided today that we needed to go shopping for new running shoes. For him of course, not me. Everyone who knows me knows that I don't "run" anywhere. I may "run" to the store, or Walmart, or "run" to the kitchen for a soda or whatnot, but to actually RUN anywhere...not going to happen.

That being said after getting Kori off to school and getting the trio fed, changed, dressed and herded into the car we were off to the Legends for a little retail therapy. I must say shopping with Jason can be quite exhausting. He must look at each and every running shoe and weigh the pros and cons for each one. Of course we only look at black ones. While most people have many color options to choose from, my husband has only black, gray, navy and white. When it comes to shoes he only wears black. Occasionally they will have a splash of gray on them, or perhaps some white, but that's about it. He once bought some that had blue on them. He then decided after he wore them they had "too much blue on them" so he colored the blue with a black Sharpie marker...several times over several months. Strange. Anyway, we checked out the Adidas store...not a big enough selection of running shoes there. Huh? There were rows and rows of them. "Not enough of the ones with the springy things". Uh, okay sure. On to the next store. I mean, we've got nothing but time. Happy, dry kiddos riding in their choo-choo wagon, life is good. Into the Finish Line we go. The search is on. After several minutes of us "browsing" the trio begin to tire of their shopping so I take them for a little cruising in the wagon. After a while we come back to find daddy trying on a black pair of running shoes. What more could you ask for, they were black, they had springy things, all was right with the world, we made the purchase. Not bad, it only took about 45-minutes.

We had lunch at the Saddle Ranch Chop House. Interesting place! There were lots of tattoos and tank tops, nothing wrong with either I might add. There was also a mechanical bull. I saw this place on the last episode of Rock of Love (my most recent guilty pleasure!!!) and thought it looked interesting, so I was looking forward to checking it out. It wasn't too busy, that was good, easy accomodating us with our many kiddos. The food was pretty good and the kiddos were well behaved. Sigh...

Well I think I shall sign off and go fold another mound of laundry. It never ends! I think I shall enact a "Naked Day" at the Rusley house...perhaps a "Naked Week". Then I could enjoy several days without the laundry piling up. Could be scary for anyone who would happen to pop by, but I could give everyone substantial warning I suppose. Hmmmmmm....something to ponder.

A blogger? Me???

Okay, I'm jumping into this blogging thing. I think I could relieve some uh, stress this way. Perhaps? Probably not, but I love to write things, so off we will go.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am Melissa, 34 and a PROUD wife to my hubby Jason. I am the PROUD mommy to Kori who is 5 1/2 and also my three beautiful wonder-triplets Alexis, Morgan and Kamryn. They are 15-months old and are doing a fine job keeping me on my toes...all the time.

Life is good! I stay at home and take care of my kiddos. I try and keep my house in order, keep the laundry done and keep some meals flowing into the tummies of my hubby and kiddos. Some days I fail miserably, and some days I feel like I've actually succeeded in something. (Unfortunately those few days are usually followed by the ones where I get my butt kicked!)

So I think that I will jump on the blog train and see how this goes...wish me luck!