Saturday, September 20, 2008


To Iowa, to Urgent Care. It's been a busy week! Last Friday we headed off to Iowa after picking Kori up from school a bit early. We were headed up to a luncheon in honor of Jason's Grandpa Marvin that would be held on Saturday afternoon. It was a quick trip, but fun. We stayed in a hotel with a pool so Kori was thrilled to get to swim. I was still feeling yucky but was just glad to have traveled uneventfully.

Jason Grandpa Marvin was sooooo happy to see the girls again. With the exception of pictures he hasn't seen the girls since December. He proudly proclaimed to me, "the girls aren't afraid of me!" They sure weren't! Alexis played a mean game of catch with him with a balloon. It was nice to see them interact with him.

Here are a couple of pictures:


Alexis & Daddy:



Catch With Grandpa:

On Wednesday Jason was outside with the girls as they enjoyed the beautiful weather while I was chained to the stove. Oh, wait, I mean I was cooking dinner. He came in and said, "Uh, we've got a little blood here mommy". I turned to see Morgan with some blood on her hand and Jason was carrying her. I above freaked out when Jason took his very blood covered hand down and turned her around. The back of her shirt was bloody too. She fell off the back of their little ride on car and hit her head on the sidewalk, resulting in a laceration, a couple of knots and a superficial scratch. I got it cleaned up so I could see exactly what was bleeding. I decided to err on the side of caution and take her to urgent care. After an exam it was determined that there was no fracture or concussion and the laceration would be cleaned. They flushed it with a saline solution and then decided no staples would be needed. If she had been a boy they would have put 2-3 staples in, but since she's not and she will likely never shave her head, a small scar won't be a problem.

She's doing fine now and suffered no after effects from it all.

I felt her pain tonight as she bumped the wall and a picture fell off a shelf above the chair I was sitting it, striking me in the head. So I have a cut on the top of my head. Man did it hurt!!!

I have my colnocopy on Wednesday. Really NOT looking forward to that, but it is necessary. I am hoping for nothing to be discovered and to put all of this illness behind me.

On a good note on Wednesday I was given a clean bill of health by my ENT. No more visits and digging in my nose. Hooray!

So that's about it for us. Thought I'd better get to blogging before everyone gave up on me. I shall be more diligent about it now!


Anonymous said...

Great and priceless pictures, Melissa!!

Mama Pooh said...

Cute, cute, cute pictures! I'm so glad you're feeling better and pretty much back to your old self. Now, we just need you, the girls, and Jason to stay healthy!

anneke said...

Great pictures of the girls! So glad you are feeling better. You'll be in my thoughts on Wed.