Friday, September 26, 2008


In a day and age where marriages don't always make it, I am proud to say that Jason and I have survived ten years of wedded bliss! I love him more today even than I did ten years ago! It was much warmer 10 years ago than it is today. Today is the day I would have like, low humidity, low temps. Ten years ago it was hot, humid and windy!!! Oh well, it all turned out just the same at any rate.

My wonderful husband came home with beautiful flowers today. They are gorgeous! He also brought home some donuts which I greatly appreciated as it is Friday and we've had waffles, cereal, toast, etc. so donuts were a welcome change. Lastly he brought ketchup! Most important of all the things in our house. We go through it quickly! My dad used to joke that he was just going to put a straw in it when I was growing up. Now I have 4 other ketchup lovers as well so it goes fast!

So I leave you with a picture of my anniversary "gifts". Oh and a picture of Alexis who actually wanted me to take her picture. This was her idea of what I meant when I said, "Make a pretty face!"

Happy Anniversary Jason I love you so much!!!! Here's to forty or fifty more!!!



Liquid gold, uh I mean ketchup:

Alexis and her "pretty" face:


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!!


Busy Baroness said...

Happy Anniversary! The flowers are gorgeous!