Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday!

To my dad! He turned 65 today! I called this morning and sang him "Happy Birthday" he probably wanted to run screaming from the phone to have his ears bandaged, but he suffered through. The littles each wished him a Happy Birthday as well, that was probalby much more enjoyable than my singing.

Jason had off-duty tonight before heading into work so it was just the girls and I. We went for a walk, played outside, had some dinner, played some toys, you know the standard. Bedtime was extended playtime too. Lots of singing, jumping, giggling, wiggling and bouncing around. **Sigh** Oh well, at nap time today they acutally just laid down and went to sleep. I guess I can't expect the planets to align twice in the same day.

New TV tonight. I 1/2 watched Survivor, I did DVR it though and will catch it later this week. I watched ER, well all but 10 minutes or so, and man was it sad. I still like that show so much. So sad it's the last season. I don't get to watch much TV uninterrupted and there's no point in DVR'ing too much because I don't have time to watch it. Jason only grumbles about me taking up too much space on the DVR with shows "you never watch".

Tomorrow is our 10-year anniversary. Wow! Ten years! That just seems impossible to me!!! Ten years of crappy shifts, intense work situations, laughs, tears, fun, sorrow, struggles, four beautiful daughters! I never could have imagined life like this ten years ago, Jason probably couldn't either.

Of course my husband is working off-duty before going in to work. So he'll sleep all day before getting up and around for that. On my anniversary I will probably spend 20-minutes with him, if that. **Sigh**

That's it for me! I am so glad tomorrow is Friday!


Busy Baroness said...

September 25 is my mom's birthday too! She turned 57.

I cried through most of ER. So sad.