Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Results Are In...

I survived the colonoscopy and everything is fine. I was given a clean bill of colon health and was told to have another one in 15-years! Ya hoo! No problem there! Not like I was going to schedule another one anytime soon.

The prep meds weren't bad. Other people have relayed to me the horrible stuff they had to drink before hand. Mine wasn't bad. I took 4 Dulcolax pills at 4pm. Then at 6pm I drank a 64oz. bottle of lemon-lime Gatorade that I had to mix with a 238 gram bottle of Miralax powder. That is tasteless so it was like drinking the Gatorade. Not too bad, except 64 oz. is A LOT! I got it all down though. So that chapter of my life is now closed. Thank goodness for sedation too! I was THRILLED to be able to eat again too! 32 hours without eating is a LONG time!!!!

On a funny note yesterday at dinner time I drank some chicken broth. It was part of my "clear liquid diet" and I thought it might take the edge off of being hungry and watching my family enjoy the dinner that I so thoughtfully made for them, even though I couldn't eat. Well I didn't finish it all and I had to go hide because my not-so-nice husband was taunting me as he ate his dinner so I retreated to the computer for a bit of cyber distraction. Kori brought me my cup of broth and said, "Here mommy I thought you'd like to finish your cup of chicken breath". Man was that funny! I chuckled a second before telling her the correct term was broth. Mind you, this is the same girl who a couple of weeks ago was performing "magic" tricks and during the course of her performance shouted "ABRA-CADAVER!" A magical dead body...awesome!