Friday, December 21, 2007

For the BIRDS!!!

That's how I was summing up my week. I typed a long entry about it, and the computer ate it TWICE! I can't catch a break!

I will post more tomorrow. If I don't get away from the computer right now, it might not make it.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Bath Time

It's no secret at our house that bath time is the greatest time ever. For the littles at least. It's an exhausting process, but they love it, so I guess that's good.

Last night the girls had finished dinner and I ran their water. I decided to give the trio a bath together and then do Kori afterwards. I got them all down from their high chairs and said "come on, let's go take a bath". That was met with a chorus of "oooh bath" as they toddled down the hall. I took a 5-second detour to grab their jammies and continued on. Kamryn and Alexis made a pit-stop in Kori's doorway to chat for a minute. Morgan proceeded directly to the tub. I found her in the tub, fully clothed exclaiming "I bath". **Sigh**

Have I mentioned every day at my house is a NEW adventure?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Dog

I failed to mention yesterday that just as the party was getting started there was a visitor at the door. Kori promptly stated "an old man is here for my party and he brought me some balloons". Well it was a delivery man (I corrected Kori not to call people old men/women whatever!) and he was indeed bringing her some balloons and a stuffed animal courtesy of Gramma Cheryl and Grampa Phil from Iowa. Well my sister answered the door and was handling it when my dog, Cujo, barged out. His name is really Cuervo, but you'll understand in another word or two. Well C barged out and nipped the guy on his side. He yelled at the dog and the dog was rounded back up inside and stuffed in the garage. The guy said he was okay and would check when he returned to the store. If there were any wounds/pain/problems etc. he would get a hold of us. GREAT!

Well today I tried calling to check on him. I got a phone service who takes the orders and routes them to the necessary store. Apparently there's no way to call that store direct. She took my name and number and was going to give them a message to call me. Never heard from them. So I'm assuming that either he's fine and there are no problems. Or he's mounting his lawsuit and will sue me for Cujo's attack. He's only like that with strangers that come to our door. It's gotten worse over the last several years. The older he gets, the more territorial. Just what I needed!

Six Years Ago...

On this exact day I was about to become a mother for the first time! The Saturday before I had Kori I went with my family to Weston, Missouri to visit the little shops and have lunch in an attempt to walk this child out! Didn't happen! I was HUGE! I remember standing in the various shops and the owners/employees asking me when I was due. My standard response was "four days ago". That statement was followed up with the look of "oh please don't have that kid in my shop". No such luck! I remember making chili that night and I had some contractions. I thought for sure that was it, she was coming! Nope. The next day was Sunday and I felt GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! I cleaned the house, washed bedding/curtains, you name it, I cleaned/scrubbed/washed it all. Jason and I went to dinner at Stone Canyon Pizza. How was I to know that my last meal would be a salad, garlic bread and spaghetti and meatballs.

At 4:50 a.m. I awoke with the urge to go pee. Not a stretch. Six days overdue and I was huge and peeing every 20-30 minutes most of the time. Well I finished got up and felt leaky. I figured she had moved and I wasn't done yet. Well I "peed" some more. Got up again, same thing. This repeated a couple more times and I was getting quite annoyed as I was anxious to get back to bed. Well I wiped again (sorry this is probably way to much info!) and saw a little tinge of pink on the paper. It hit me like a ton of bricks...OH CRAP I THINK MY WATER IS LEAKING/BREAKING!!!! The night before I had discharge which I now know was my mucous plug coming out.

I am now in a total panic. NOW she's coming? Oh crap! I'm not ready yet. Give me a couple more days, weeks, months! Anything just not now! I go and wake Jason. "Uh honey, I think my water is leaking or breaking." His reply...this is CLASSIC Jason. "Well wake me up again when your sure". I in no uncertain terms assured him I was sure and I better start seeing some eyelids making the motions to look like they were opening. I called my dad and told him to wake my mom so she could get unstiff and ready to head to the hospital. I called my doctor and left a message with the answering service. I tested positive for STREP B and it was reiterated to me a million times to make sure I notified them ASAP when I was going into labor.

I remember the contractions starting to get pretty regular about 5:30 or so. Jason and I sat on the couch in the living room waiting for the doctor to call back. The contractions were about 10 minutes apart. About 6am they were about 6 minutes apart and we decided to start getting ready to head for the hospital. Oh man, I was nervous, excited, anxious, petrified, nauseous (from the nerves), scared, you name it I was one ball of emotions. Jason had that goofy nervous look on his face he gets sometimes.

Off we went to the hospital! We were checked in and I got a wheelchair ride up to the Maternity floor, even though I assured her I could walk. No such luck. I was checked by the nurse just before 7am and lo and behold my water broke as she checked me. Her words were (I'll never forget them) "Well you aren't going anywhere now, your water just broke. Your going to have a baby sometime today!" Huh? Was she talking to me? I looked around, nope no one else in here in labor. Just Jason and I. I was quite sure he wasn't having a baby so she must have been talking to me. Oh yikes! A baby? Today? Me? A MOTHER? What have I done?

I was only dilated to a 1 so there would be lots of waiting! I got some pitosin to "help things along". It sure did! The contractions were kicking my butt by now! Around noon or so I was a dilated to a 5 and I asked for my epidural. Well apparently the doctor doing them was swamped! There were 10 or 12 deliveries that day, not counting Kori's. He finally made it in when I was dilated to a 7 or so. They gave me some IV pain meds earlier to "take the edge off". Didn't do a thing for the contractions, just made my head fuzzy. I passed on anymore of those.

At about 3pm they started herding everyone out so that we could prepare to start pushing. My doctor came in and checked me and I was a 9! Woo hoo! Finally! He said he was going back to the office. Huh? The nurse said "but she's a 9". He instructed her to page him when I was getting ready to start pushing. It was weird, but whatever, I had other things to worry about.

Shortly after I was a 10 and the paging of the doctor no avail. I remember Jason and my mom anxiously watching the door waiting for the doctor to come through it. Didn't happen. Finally the nurse goes and assembles some other nurses and she said we were ready. I started pushing about 3:45. I pushed and pushed and pushed. As Kori's head was finally coming out they told me to stop pushing. They were waiting to see if the doctor was going to show up. It was finally decided I couldn't/wouldn't wait any longer. She was coming out, whether they liked it or not. At 5:00 p.m. on the nose, Miss Kori Paige Rusley was born into this world, making it, in my opinion, a much greater place! She weighed 8lbs. 10 oz. and was 22 inches long! She had BIG blue eyes and pretty downy reddish hair. Oh she was so alert and beautiful!!!!!!! She had a large bruise on her head from being held up before coming out, but other than that she was perfect!!!! I didn't get to hold her for a few minutes because the nurses wanted to check her out and make sure all was well. Lo and behold the doctor comes in now. He was hateful and rude to the nurses. He finished up and told me he'd check on me tomorrow. Whatever, I had better things to do anyway!

I FINALLY got my beautiful, perfect, wonderful daughter and Jason and I had a few minutes to enjoy her, alone, before sharing her with the rest of the family! She came from ME? So perfect and beautiful? It couldn't be, but it was!!!! I cried...a lot! My mom kept asking if I was hurting but I kept reassuring her that I was just overwhelmed with happiness and love! It had been over two long years and I was finally a MOTHER!!!!! The world was perfect! Well except for the fact that "down there" hurt like heck, but other than that, no complaints!

Kori greeted my nephew Cody first. She promptly stuck her tongue out at him. It was too cute! Everyone held and cuddled her and finally after what seemed like ages I got her back.

It's hard to believe that almost six years to the day have passed. It was cold on the day she was born, but sunny. It will be cold and sunny tomorrow. I will take cupcakes and little bottles of water in to school tomorrow as my "baby" celebrates her 6th birthday. Oh how did it happen? The time went by so fast!

Today I watched her skate around Winwood skating rink with her friends from school. She went to her first school classmate birthday party. She looked so big, and mature, and grown. Oh it was so bittersweet. I've been in a funk this month anyway, this didn't help a bit. We had pizza tonight, just like we did six years ago before she was born. Now I have three other beauties to share her with. Life is good, but bittersweet. Where does the time go? How is it even possible that six years has passed!

She is a loving, giving, sweet, feisty, beautiful, comical, sensitive, sassy, shy (at times) ball of red-headed energy. And she's mine! All mine! Well I share her with people that love her a lot, not as much as I do, but a lot nonetheless. **Sigh** I can remember the events of the days leading up to her birth like they were yesterday. I remember where I went, what I cooked, what I ate, what I wore, but yet six years have passed. **SIGH** **SIGH** **SIGH**

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Today was Kori's 6th birthday party. Wait, did I just type that right? Six? Already? Oh man! Hard to believe that six years ago on this day I was two days away from being a mother for the first time! Now here I am a mommy to four of the most beautiful girls ever! The theme of this years party was Hannah Montana. I made up a bunch of foods that I thought would be eaten at a slumber party. We had little smokies and meatballs in bar-b-que sauce, little smokies wrapped in puff pastry and baked, pizza rolls, crackers/cheese/sausage and veggies and dip. You know, foods that will clog your arteries. It was nice. Jason's mom wasn't able to make the drive due to the weather. As usual it snowed today. We got about 2 inches I'd guess. Not too much. Jason's mom lives two hours away in good weather and they are still trying to recover from an ice storm from earlier in the week. She sent her regards and will bring her gift next week on her way to Iowa for Christmas.

So it was my parents, my sister, brother-in-law Jason, my brother, sister-in-law Cathy, nephew Cody, Cody's friend Sidney, Kori's god-mother Liz, our friend Chloe and two of her kids Gianna and Vincent. It was a nice time or so I thought...

Let me preface all of this with the fact that I love my mother very much. That being said she can be incredibly irritating some days. She was in one of her "moods" today and I could tell when I talked to her this morning. She was just grumbly. That doesn't usually bode well for get-togethers. Today was the kind of day where EVERYTHING got on her nerves. It is so exhausting when she's like this. I feel like I should hang a sign on the door for everyone to see to prepare them before they come in. Something like: WARNING MOUNT ST. BARBARA IS ON THE VERGE OF ERUPTION - PROCEED WITH CAUTION! **Sigh** She is a great mother and nanie. She can be very kind, giving, caring and such. But she can also be completely exhausting, frustrating, irritating and embarrassing at other times. I feel bad even writing this. I think I am safe because she doesn't have a computer and can't read this. (Those of you that do and tell her -- I'll hurt you! :-) ) I'd never want to hurt my moms feelings because she'd never see that she can be so negative. She reminds me more and more of my grandmother everyday and that is sad and scary all at the same time.

My friend Chloe brought her youngest son who is 7 and her daughter who is 4. They were too "wild" for my mom's taste. Everyone was too "loud". My sister was too "quiet", what could have been the matter with her my mom asked. I wanted to scream "you were irritating the crap out of her with your constant grumbling" but I held my tongue. At these times I really have to keep in mind all of the good things she does, but it's hard sometimes and that makes me sad.

I called her later to make sure that they got home okay. (My mom is driving since my dad's neuropathy is so bad and she hasn't driven in snow in YEARS!) I wanted to rip my own ear off as soon as I asked if they'd gotten home okay. Instead of a simple "yes" she had to launch into her tirade on how bad the party was. I believe the word she used was disaster. That was hurtful to me because I worked so hard to put together a nice party. I did all of it by myself because Jason had to work. Well he did pick up the cake for me on the way home from work this morning but that was it. I did all the cleaning, prep work, cooking, decorating etc. I tried to make sure that every need possible was taken care of. I even called my brother and sister to make sure if they got there before my parents that they leave a path in the driveway for my mom to be able to get close and allow my dad to get in easier. I came home from picking up balloons and shoveled my entire driveway and sidewalks so they were clear. Well, as clear as they could be since it was still snowing some. Not a kind word about any of that. Just that my party was a disaster. Bummer! She even told me the cake was dry. Now I didn't make it but it came from our favorite bakery. I didn't think it was dry at all, it was tasty as usual. She told me my dad didn't get enough to eat. Well jeez-o-Pete! He's 64 years old he can go to the kitchen and get more food, or even tell me what else he wanted, I would have gotten him more. I was seeing a guest out when my mom said "your dad needs out to get to the bathroom" in a very hateful tone. We have a super small entryway and were blocking the exit out of the living room. Now my dad was sitting in the chair with his back to me, how in the hell was I supposed to know he needed/wanted out. He has a mouth he can use it to let me know. I wanted to scream at that point, but managed to hold my tongue. She is unable to relax, EVER! There must always be drama, urgency, angst, you name it. If the kids are out playing it's either too hot/cold/windy/sunny/rainy/snowy you name it. They are going to get hurt/sunburned/windburned/frostbitten/mosquito bites/bee stings/grass stains you name it. I hope you get the idea. She doesn't understand that kids are going to be kids. Everything will result in a trip to the ER and 28-stitches if you ask her. **Sigh** I do love my mother. She has been a wonderful mother to us all. Doing it alone as a single mom for several years before remarrying when I was five, but man, the last several years it gets more and more rough at times. That makes me sad!

So I am a bit bummed about her review of the party. I am hoping that was not every ones perception of it. I always try to do really great birthday parties. Kori had fun, so I guess that's most important. She got lots of GREAT gifts and got to spend the day with people she loves so much. I was sad that my other brother, sister-in-law and their two girls didn't come. If you've read my blog before you'll see a little about that. My brother has once again created some irritation that has caused him to excuse himself from the family. This is a common occurrence for him and it's so frustrating. Hard to explain to Kori why they weren't here today. She asked me twice. Broke my heart when she said "don't you like them anymore?" **Sigh** It's so much more than that, but hard to make it understandable to an almost six year old, when I don't even understand myself.

Well I better retire. Busy day tomorrow! Kori and I have to pick-up her High School Musical cupcakes from Sam's tomorrow. They are going to school on her birthday on Monday. She has her first school classmate birthday party at a local skating rink. Should be interesting. She's never been rollerskating before and she's graceless, like her momma. I know she'll have fun anyway!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Winter and Germs...

I hate them both! I'm sick of ice and yucky cloudy weather. It does nothing for my mood, which isn't great since I seem to have a cold again. Did I mention that I never totally got rid of the last cold I had. I'm blaming Jason for this one. He had it earlier in the week and decided he must share. Thanks honey! So I'm a stuffy, runny, snotty, coughy, sneezy, congesty MESS! Good news, I look as bad as I feel.

Kori's Santa Supper was Monday night. Pancakes and sausage for dinner. I didn't eat but everyone else did. The girls loved the pancakes. Kori sang some Christmas carols with other members of the Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade classes. It was cute and she did well. We got home just as the freezing rain started.

I am thankful we didn't lose power. I am also thankful I don't have to go out in it for work anymore. I am thankful that Jason was off too so he didn't have to go out in it either. Kori was thankful for two days off from school.

She had her well-child checkup yesterday. She is doing GREAT! Dr. Storm proclaimed her to be the "greatest kid ever!" Kori was thrilled to hear it. She was not however thrilled to hear that she needed the 2nd Hep A vaccine after I reassured her there would be no shots. Rats! I hate feeling like a liar. She quickly forgave me though. Whew!

Today I felt so miserable she had pity on me and piled in bed with me when the trio went down for a nap and we watched the Spongebob Squarepants Movie. She loves it! I can't say that I saw ALL of it, but I was thankful that she was cooperative and feeling bad that I felt so poorly. She's a great kid! Hard to believe that six years ago I was one day over my due date, miserable and convinced I would be pregnant forever! Now I'm preparing for a Hannah Montana party this weekend and in total denial my baby will be six!!!!!

The trio and Kori are all snotty and coughy too. Guess the germs love it here. There's more snow coming this weekend according to the weather people...sigh. Is it May yet???

Well I'm going to go and shower and watch a movie with my dear husband. He's back to work tomorrow night. Man I'm SICK of nights!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Let it snow...

And it did. Not much thank goodness. I'm not a fan of winter weather much anymore, especially if I have to drive in it. Kori's Santa Supper was canceled tonight due to the weather. Rescheduled now for Monday. School managed to last all day which I was surprised about. Sometimes it seems they start letting out early if there are 12 flakes of snow falling. Not the case today. I took the trio with me to pick up Kori because Jason had a meeting at work. Not an important one, kind of a voluntary one. I was hoping with the weather he wouldn't go, that was not the case.

Oh well, the girls loved riding in the snow. I got a lot of oohs and aaahs while we were going. I didn't have trouble getting around. I found out that people would either drive one of too ways....waaaaaay to slow or waaaaaaaay to fast for the conditions. I chose to drive in a happy medium manner and got there and home just fine.

After shoveling the driveway while Kori fed the girls animal crackers, I then started some dinner while chasing children out of things. Todays no-no du jour was the dog water. I don't know why it fascinates them so. I called Jason and had him go to J.C. Penney's to pick up our pictures. No use in me going back out and then having to rush around like a mad woman to get everyone bathed when he was already out. I don't know that he was thrilled about it, but that was not a big concern of mine. He got home just as I started to feed the girls so it didn't delay him too much. After dinner we let the girls have suckers, as we have done on a few other occasions. They love them! Alexis decided to use the sticky drool as a hair styling product. YIKES! They all went directly into the bath after that. It was that option or try and use them as fly paper to attract non-existant flies since it's so cold. We opted for the bath option.

My husband put a few dishes in the dishwasher and then plopped on the couch leaving the rest of the mess for me. Gee thanks honey! I truly appreciate it! NOT! I swear sometimes I'd like to package him up and send him away!!!! Thankfully for him, I don't have these thoughts too often. We just had a talk the other night that if I am doing child related duties he can clean up what remains of the dinner mess. That apparently went in one ear and flying right out the other. Men! It's been one of those weeks and he's not helping. I hate to complain because he's a great guy and usually does okay, but when he's off, well he's off.

He has off-duty again tomorrow before going in to work...grrrrrrrr! So it will be me and the gang again tomorrow. Don't get me wrong I can handle it. It's just nice having an extra set of body parts (i.e. eyes, ears, legs, hands, arms etc.) around every now and then. Except for Tuesday evening it's been all mommy and I'm pooped. Oh well, what's a mommy to do huh? I am going to try and get to the grocery store tomorrow during nap time to stock up since they are calling for sleet/freezing rain Saturday and Sunday. They are saying it could be pretty substantial so I think I better stock up. I hate ice! I don't love the snow, but I hate the ice! Hopefully it won't be bad enough that we lose power. Our power lines are buried so I hope that helps. In 2002 when Kori was about a month old we had a huge ice storm and had no power for 7-days and it was awful! We bunked at my sisters who was living in my grandmas old house next to my folks at the time. She was in Las Vegas for a few days so it worked out. At least we had heat...that's an important detail when you have a newborn huh? So anyway, that's the plan. Hopefully they will totally miss this weather forecast like they so often do. If not it could be a long weekend!

Well enough whining and grumbling, I guess I'll go snort some more Afrin so I can breathe. It's been over a month and my head/nose is still's getting old! I'm going to try and be asleep before 2:30 a.m. Oh a girl can dream...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Hannah Montana Concert

It was great! No really, it wasn't bad. I think I've finally recovered all my hearing that I lost that night though. My brother-in-law parked us in the VIP section which was awesome! Safe and close to the building! We only had a very short distance to go which was super since it was cold out.

We got the standard t-shirt, program, blinky light thingy and then got some hot dogs and a soda before heading to our seats. They were pretty good, especially since they were the last section sold. No complaints from Kori I think she's too young to appreciate being right up close. She has now professed her love for the opening act the Jonas Brothers. They put on a good show and she enjoyed it a lot! She was in awe once Miss Montana came out. There was lots of dancing and flashy costume changes. Kori was a fan of the pink go-go dress and white go-go boots with a sparkly pink bejeweled heel. Also the black bustier style stop with purple ballet tu-tu type skirt that she wore with sparkly black tennis shoes. Kori appreciates good shoes...she got that from her Aunt Margaret. :-)

I must admit when the show started I found myself a little teary. It was all a little surreal to be there. As someone who never even thought she'd be blessed with kids, to be sitting there with my almost 6-year old first born, stunningly beautiful (still can't believe she's mine!!!) daughter, it was just amazing. I wiped my eyes and shoved the emotions away. I wanted to be cool and not embarrass my daughter.

There were lots of happy, screaming kids there. It was loud, did I mention that? I chuckled about the little girl two chairs over from me who kept her fingers in her ears the ENTIRE concert. Her dad kept trying to coax them out but she wasn't having it.

So here's our rundown:

Tickets: $112.00
T-shirt/program/blinky light thing: $65.00
Concession stand robbery: $28.00

Evening with my daughter after suffering through years of infertility, worry and wonder if I'd ever be a mommy: ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT A DOUBT, PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, Stop, Quit, Don't, Leave It Alone...

Those are a few of the things I say approximately 7, 234, 124 times a day, these past couple of days. (Insert HUGE sigh here!) All three girls are walking and they go three different directions at once. I can't imagine I don't look like Heidi Klum (supermodel) with all the moving around I do everyday. Not to mention the meals I either forget to eat, or don't have time to eat. Yesterday Jason worked off-duty from 8:15-5:00. He got home around 5:20 or so. By 5:30 I think he was ready to flee to a quiet and peaceful hiding place. Kori was antagonizing the girls, who were unhappy about it, while trying to get into everything. We decided on take-out from a local Mexican restaurant. We decided we would all ride along and Jason would wait in the car while I got our food. Well before leaving he went to let the dog in and I was getting my shoes on and supervising Kori getting hers on (it takes a lot of prodding to get her to do something in less than an hour these days). Well the girls went down and managed to have a grand ol' time in the toilet. They all needed dry socks and Alexis had to have a dry shirt. She was soaked! YUCK! Thankfully I had just cleaned that toilet, but still....ewwwwwww! I think I spend 1/2 of my day trying to redirect their attention away from things they shouldn't be into. I don't' like putting everything up to minimize the temptation, but geesh. Today they kept taking a picture of Kori off the wall and walking around hugging and kissing it saying "awwwwwwww, sistoo (their version of sister). Yet it was cute the first dozen or so times but I worried about them dropping it and breaking the class and getting hurt. Trust me what one doesn't think of, one of the other two surely will.

I was talking about it to my mom tonight on the phone after the three little octopuses (sp?) and their bossy big sister had been tucked into bed finally. She agreed that it's exhausting for her to be here for only a couple of hours and she can't imagine how I must feel at the end of some days. I told her tonight I wanted to fill my jacuzzi tub with vodka and take a nice "bath" in it. Totally kidding of course!

It didn't help that Jason returned to work tonight which meant he slept in until noon today. Then went to the gym and got home just in time to shower before I left to get Kori. Then we saw each other for about 3-minutes before he headed off to off-duty before his regular night shift. I hate the nights he has off-duty before work. It makes my day three times as long! I need to hire an insane pair of extra arms/legs to help me corral the hooligans on those nights. Once again...just kidding! No matter what has happened, or how completely insane my day has been, I am always very blessed and thankful for my wonderful family. Even if I go to bed chanting "tomorrow will be better" over and over and over!

Dear Santa

Author unknown, but I LOVE IT!

Dear Santa,

I've been a good mom all year. I've fed, cleaned and cuddled my children on demand, visited their doctor's office more than my doctor and sold sixty-two cases of candy bars to raise money to plant a shade tree on the school playground. I was hoping you could spread my list out over several Christmases, since I had to write this letter with my son's red crayon, on the back of a receipt in the laundry room between cycles, and who knows when I'll find anymore free time in the next 18 years.

Here are my Christmas wishes:

I'd like a pair of legs that don't ache (in any color, except purple, which I already have) and arms that don't hurt or flap in the breeze, but are strong enough to pull my screaming child out of the candy aisle in the grocery store. I'd also like a waist, since I lost mine somewhere in the seventh month of my last pregnancy.

If you're hauling big ticket items this year I'd like fingerprint resistant windows and a radio that only plays adult music, a television that doesn't broadcast any programs containing talking animals, and a refrigerator with a secret compartment behind the crisper where I can hide to talk on the phone.

On the practical side, I could use a talking doll that says, "Yes, Mommy" to boost my parental confidence, along with two kids who don't fight and three pairs of jeans that will zip all the way up without the use of power tools.I could also use a recording of Tibetan monks chanting "Don't eat in the living room" and "Take your hands off your brother," because my voice seems to be just out of my children's hearing range and can only be heard by the dog. If it's too late to find any of these products, I'd settle for enough time to brush my teeth and comb my hair in the same morning, or the luxury of eating food warmer than room temperature without it being served in a Styrofoam container.

If you don't mind, I could also use a few Christmas miracles to brighten the holiday season. Would it be too much trouble to declare ketchup a vegetable? It will clear my conscience immensely. It would be helpful if you could coerce my children to help around the house without demanding payment as if they were the bosses of an organized crime family.

Well, Santa, the buzzer on the dryer is calling and my son saw my feet under the laundry room door. I think he wants his crayon back. Have a safe trip and remember to leave your wet boots by the door and come in and dry off so you don't catch cold. Help yourself to cookies on the table but don't eat too many or leave crumbs on the carpet.

Yours Always, MOM...

P.S. One more can cancel all my requests if you can keep my children young enough to believe in Santa.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

World's Greatest Uncle!

Uncle Billy scored Kori two tickets for the sold out Hannah Montana concert tomorrow night at the Sprint Center. I had been sorely disappointed since October that I wasn't able to get her tickets and lo and behold I now have two. I can't believe it! I cannot wait to see her face! The tickets were delivered this afternoon and Kori propelled herself into Uncle Billy to deliver a huge hug, several times actually. She is so excited! Uncle Billy scored major cool points for this one! Hooray! Hooray!

Don't know how I'll feel being in there with 4,000 screaming kids, but hey, I'll sacrifice for my kiddo. That's what moms do right?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

She's Two? Already?

Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday I was at the hospital (ALL DAY!!!!) waiting for my sister to give birth to my niece Mallory. I can remember sitting in the chair waiting, and waiting and waiting. Wondering if she was really coming. Okay, all kidding aside. I remember the day like it was yesterday seriously! I remember what I was wearing, how the weather was, it's odd. But yet two years have passed! How can that be? I had only known for two days that I was having triplets. I was still super nervous about that but in disbelief that my little, baby sister was actually having a child. Ack! Kidding again! About the ACK! part anyway.

Now today I was at her 2nd birthday party. A much smaller shindig than last year. In an attempt to scale down the madness Becky only invited family. It was nice and Mallory got lots of great loot and had a great time. But two years already???? Sigh...

The girls had fun as well. They enjoyed bouncing from person to person. I'm convinced Alexis would go to Jack The Ripper if the opportunity presented itself. She would go from my mom, to my brother-in-law's mom, to his brother, it was too funny. She'd just walk up to them and hold her arms up as if to say "Hey moron, pick me up". It was too cute. They are getting too big too. I just want to stop time for a little while. It goes too fast!

My brother and sister-in-law decided not to show up. Sigh. Apparently my brother has made mention that it somewhat bothers him that my parents don't spend as much time with his two girls as they do with "the other grand kids". Now I translated that to mean my kids because my parents do see them the most. I need their help on occasion. I try to do as much of it as I can, but sometimes it's just not possible. I have apologized to my sister and told her if it bothers her to please tell me and not be upset about it without me knowing. I have tended to my girls alone since they were five weeks old. I dealt with horrible reflux with Kamryn. Bad sleeping habits with Morgan and Kamryn for a long time. Illness, the aftermath of shots, general disorder and discord at bedtime occasionally, you name it. I had five people last year pooping and puking (sorry TMI) with the stomach flu and I did it A LONE! And I try really hard not to complain. I battle some anxiety/panic issues every now and then, but I just keep going. I have too, there are no other options. There have been times that my parents have sat with the girls so that I could take one or another to the doctor, or sat with all three so that I can be involved in Kori's school activities. I guess that makes my parents and I bad people. I get so frustrated!!! I hate that they are doing this to my parents. My mom and dad love ALL THEIR GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY!!!!! I hate that they are once again with holding their grand kids from them again. They are horrible to get in contact with. They live about 45-minutes away. They don't have an answering machine and are rarely home on the weekends. How is anyone supposed to go and spend time with them? I tried to make fried chicken for them but their schedule and an illness with one of their girls kept putting it off. I just don't get it. I hate that I have taken time away from the other grand kids for needing some help now and then. I have even been taking them out alone some. I've done a well-child check-up alone, the check-up included shots too. I did flu-shots alone. I've taken them to Walmart with the help of Kori once. I took them to Toys-R-Us alone on Monday because I don't like to inconvenience anyone. Friends are few and far between since the girls arrival. I have a few that I know I can depend on no matter what. Some I thought were "true friends" aren't. I have a very small family that is local. Jason's family is all out of town. I don't know what they expect of me. I'm trying to be diplomatic about the whole thing. I'm trying to decide if it will be best to try and call them to discuss it, write a letter or email so nothing gets heated or misunderstood, or just give up and say piss on them! Forgive my boldness. It's just so frustrating. This isn't the first time they've checked themselves out of the family. Sigh...

I must admit I've been in a funk since we put up our Christmas tree last Monday. The girls are doing great with it. I've won that battle and I am so proud. No gate up to protect the tree and the girls rarely ever give it a 2nd glance. On occasion they will stand and look at the ornaments, but generally leave them alone! Chalk one up to team mom!!! Wahoo! Anyway back to my thoughts. I have been, well I guess blah is a good description for it. I feel so bummed and blue. My sister Margaret LOVED Christmas and anything associated with it. This was her time of year. For some reason this year it's really hitting me hard. I cry at the drop of a hat. Sometimes for a reason, sometimes not. I know she wouldn't want me to be like this but I can't shake it. We were close. I'm close with both of my sisters. We have a weird bond. Becky and I talk EVERY DAY. (It drives our hubby's nuts :-) ) I used to talk to Margaret at least once everyday, plus we worked together. Not saying that I always get along with them. That would be unrealistic. Of course we have our disagreements, but we always manage to move on. It's been four years this past August that Maggie left us. Why does it still hurt as much today as it did that dreaded hot and humid August Monday. Why do I still long for her to call and interrupt dinner like she did everyday. I wish she could "know" my girls. She loved Kori so much! I know that she would love the trio and Mallory just as much. She would enjoy seeing Cody grow into a handsome young man. Will it ever get easier or less raw? I think that's what is causing my mood. I really need to try and shake it. I hate being glum. This is depressing to read I'm sure, let's move on.

On a funny note my husband about gave me a stroke the other night. I called him before bed like I do every night. (Still sick of the night shift by the way!!!) We chatted for a couple of seconds before he says "Honey I did a bad thing". Now all kinds of horrible things popped into my mind. Was he involved in another shooting? A wreck? A police chase? Is he hurt? In trouble? Oh what could it be! I had a horrible feeling in my stomach. So I hesitantly ask what it was. He then tells me....."I forgot to put on deodorant tonight". Huh? Deodorant? That's IT? That was your "bad" thing. I guess anyone who came in contact with his arm pits wouldn't have been too happy about it, but seriously. It's in the low 30' it really a bit deal? Now if it were the middle of the summer I'd understand. I also pointed out he could run into a store that's open 24-hours, buy another stick and keep it at work for the times he has another Alzheimer's moment. Men...(shaking head now). All kidding aside I'm glad he was well and uninjured. Took me a bit to get my stomach to calm down.

I'll leave with this conversation I had with Kori the other day.

Kori: Mom I ate most of my lunch.
Me: Oh that's GREAT! (This is a problem for us...she eats like a bird at school)

Kori: Yeah, I figured I better or you were going to bust me in my head.
Me: Huh? Where'd you hear that?

Kori: I'm not sure, but I think you might have said it before.
Me: Was I kidding? That doesn't sound like something I would say.

Kori: I don't know, but I thought about it today as I ate my lunch.

It's the little things huh?