Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Winter and Germs...

I hate them both! I'm sick of ice and yucky cloudy weather. It does nothing for my mood, which isn't great since I seem to have a cold again. Did I mention that I never totally got rid of the last cold I had. I'm blaming Jason for this one. He had it earlier in the week and decided he must share. Thanks honey! So I'm a stuffy, runny, snotty, coughy, sneezy, congesty MESS! Good news, I look as bad as I feel.

Kori's Santa Supper was Monday night. Pancakes and sausage for dinner. I didn't eat but everyone else did. The girls loved the pancakes. Kori sang some Christmas carols with other members of the Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade classes. It was cute and she did well. We got home just as the freezing rain started.

I am thankful we didn't lose power. I am also thankful I don't have to go out in it for work anymore. I am thankful that Jason was off too so he didn't have to go out in it either. Kori was thankful for two days off from school.

She had her well-child checkup yesterday. She is doing GREAT! Dr. Storm proclaimed her to be the "greatest kid ever!" Kori was thrilled to hear it. She was not however thrilled to hear that she needed the 2nd Hep A vaccine after I reassured her there would be no shots. Rats! I hate feeling like a liar. She quickly forgave me though. Whew!

Today I felt so miserable she had pity on me and piled in bed with me when the trio went down for a nap and we watched the Spongebob Squarepants Movie. She loves it! I can't say that I saw ALL of it, but I was thankful that she was cooperative and feeling bad that I felt so poorly. She's a great kid! Hard to believe that six years ago I was one day over my due date, miserable and convinced I would be pregnant forever! Now I'm preparing for a Hannah Montana party this weekend and in total denial my baby will be six!!!!!

The trio and Kori are all snotty and coughy too. Guess the germs love it here. There's more snow coming this weekend according to the weather people...sigh. Is it May yet???

Well I'm going to go and shower and watch a movie with my dear husband. He's back to work tomorrow night. Man I'm SICK of nights!