Saturday, December 15, 2007


Today was Kori's 6th birthday party. Wait, did I just type that right? Six? Already? Oh man! Hard to believe that six years ago on this day I was two days away from being a mother for the first time! Now here I am a mommy to four of the most beautiful girls ever! The theme of this years party was Hannah Montana. I made up a bunch of foods that I thought would be eaten at a slumber party. We had little smokies and meatballs in bar-b-que sauce, little smokies wrapped in puff pastry and baked, pizza rolls, crackers/cheese/sausage and veggies and dip. You know, foods that will clog your arteries. It was nice. Jason's mom wasn't able to make the drive due to the weather. As usual it snowed today. We got about 2 inches I'd guess. Not too much. Jason's mom lives two hours away in good weather and they are still trying to recover from an ice storm from earlier in the week. She sent her regards and will bring her gift next week on her way to Iowa for Christmas.

So it was my parents, my sister, brother-in-law Jason, my brother, sister-in-law Cathy, nephew Cody, Cody's friend Sidney, Kori's god-mother Liz, our friend Chloe and two of her kids Gianna and Vincent. It was a nice time or so I thought...

Let me preface all of this with the fact that I love my mother very much. That being said she can be incredibly irritating some days. She was in one of her "moods" today and I could tell when I talked to her this morning. She was just grumbly. That doesn't usually bode well for get-togethers. Today was the kind of day where EVERYTHING got on her nerves. It is so exhausting when she's like this. I feel like I should hang a sign on the door for everyone to see to prepare them before they come in. Something like: WARNING MOUNT ST. BARBARA IS ON THE VERGE OF ERUPTION - PROCEED WITH CAUTION! **Sigh** She is a great mother and nanie. She can be very kind, giving, caring and such. But she can also be completely exhausting, frustrating, irritating and embarrassing at other times. I feel bad even writing this. I think I am safe because she doesn't have a computer and can't read this. (Those of you that do and tell her -- I'll hurt you! :-) ) I'd never want to hurt my moms feelings because she'd never see that she can be so negative. She reminds me more and more of my grandmother everyday and that is sad and scary all at the same time.

My friend Chloe brought her youngest son who is 7 and her daughter who is 4. They were too "wild" for my mom's taste. Everyone was too "loud". My sister was too "quiet", what could have been the matter with her my mom asked. I wanted to scream "you were irritating the crap out of her with your constant grumbling" but I held my tongue. At these times I really have to keep in mind all of the good things she does, but it's hard sometimes and that makes me sad.

I called her later to make sure that they got home okay. (My mom is driving since my dad's neuropathy is so bad and she hasn't driven in snow in YEARS!) I wanted to rip my own ear off as soon as I asked if they'd gotten home okay. Instead of a simple "yes" she had to launch into her tirade on how bad the party was. I believe the word she used was disaster. That was hurtful to me because I worked so hard to put together a nice party. I did all of it by myself because Jason had to work. Well he did pick up the cake for me on the way home from work this morning but that was it. I did all the cleaning, prep work, cooking, decorating etc. I tried to make sure that every need possible was taken care of. I even called my brother and sister to make sure if they got there before my parents that they leave a path in the driveway for my mom to be able to get close and allow my dad to get in easier. I came home from picking up balloons and shoveled my entire driveway and sidewalks so they were clear. Well, as clear as they could be since it was still snowing some. Not a kind word about any of that. Just that my party was a disaster. Bummer! She even told me the cake was dry. Now I didn't make it but it came from our favorite bakery. I didn't think it was dry at all, it was tasty as usual. She told me my dad didn't get enough to eat. Well jeez-o-Pete! He's 64 years old he can go to the kitchen and get more food, or even tell me what else he wanted, I would have gotten him more. I was seeing a guest out when my mom said "your dad needs out to get to the bathroom" in a very hateful tone. We have a super small entryway and were blocking the exit out of the living room. Now my dad was sitting in the chair with his back to me, how in the hell was I supposed to know he needed/wanted out. He has a mouth he can use it to let me know. I wanted to scream at that point, but managed to hold my tongue. She is unable to relax, EVER! There must always be drama, urgency, angst, you name it. If the kids are out playing it's either too hot/cold/windy/sunny/rainy/snowy you name it. They are going to get hurt/sunburned/windburned/frostbitten/mosquito bites/bee stings/grass stains you name it. I hope you get the idea. She doesn't understand that kids are going to be kids. Everything will result in a trip to the ER and 28-stitches if you ask her. **Sigh** I do love my mother. She has been a wonderful mother to us all. Doing it alone as a single mom for several years before remarrying when I was five, but man, the last several years it gets more and more rough at times. That makes me sad!

So I am a bit bummed about her review of the party. I am hoping that was not every ones perception of it. I always try to do really great birthday parties. Kori had fun, so I guess that's most important. She got lots of GREAT gifts and got to spend the day with people she loves so much. I was sad that my other brother, sister-in-law and their two girls didn't come. If you've read my blog before you'll see a little about that. My brother has once again created some irritation that has caused him to excuse himself from the family. This is a common occurrence for him and it's so frustrating. Hard to explain to Kori why they weren't here today. She asked me twice. Broke my heart when she said "don't you like them anymore?" **Sigh** It's so much more than that, but hard to make it understandable to an almost six year old, when I don't even understand myself.

Well I better retire. Busy day tomorrow! Kori and I have to pick-up her High School Musical cupcakes from Sam's tomorrow. They are going to school on her birthday on Monday. She has her first school classmate birthday party at a local skating rink. Should be interesting. She's never been rollerskating before and she's graceless, like her momma. I know she'll have fun anyway!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I was at the party and I really thought it was WONDERFUL. I loved all the "noise" because everyone was having so much fun. I thought the food was delicious and I thought everyone was having a good time. I heard your mom "grumble" a bit but I just charged it off to being stressed with your dad and the snow. I just laughed and continued to have a good time. PLEASE do not put her opinion above the rest of ours. I even called Christy and told her what a fun time it was on my way home. I honestly can not think of one thing YOU could have done differently. Most of all, Kori seemed to have a good time and she was extra cute this year opening her presents. I loved how Morgan wore the purple shoes and tried to kiss Kam's tears away while Kam was crying COOOODDDDYYYYY. I loved that each of the trio would come to me and let me love them. What a reflection of their comfort level in their home. I think this speaks VOLUMES to your mothering.

Anonymous said...

I ran out of room on the other comment but I just have to continue because I so didn't see the party the way your mom described (and you know that I love your mom and often agree with her). I went home so glad I'd driven in snow and sleet to get to your house. You live a real life and it is so fun to be a part of it. I am constantly amazed at all you do. I think you are an awesome mother, wife, sister, daughter and friend. I am blessed to have you and your family in my life and I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH.