Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Nighshift

My husbands that is. I HATE it and I have hit the wall with it. It's been over 2 1/2 years now and I am really quite over it. I'm tired of the craziness we call "preparing for bedtime" being my responsibility alone every night. It is definitely a two person job. It's just insane! After dinner he helps with as much cleanup as he can before hitting the shower and getting ready to leave for work. I'm tired of sleeping alone every night. I'm tired of not being able to do "normal" things in the evenings or on weekends because he has to leave for work. I'm tired of when I'm sick no being able to take things like NyQuil so I sleep good because I have to be able to function if one of the girls need me. I could sure use some sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy-head, fever so I can rest medicine right about now. His transfer to the day shift has been in since February, but there aren't any openings in sight. Oh the joy of being a Sergeant. If he were merely an officer he would have been there long ago. **Sigh** **Sigh** **Sigh** Okay whining over.

I was in bed at 12:20 last night, not quite midnight, but very close! I managed to get all my housework done today. My inner peace has been restored. My laundry is done except for the towels currently drying in my dryer. Tomorrow I will tackle ironing. Oh joy! The things I do for fun and excitement. I hand mopped my kitchen, 3 bathroom and entry floors today. Man are my knees tired! I think I'm getting too old for that. My knees aren't what they once were. Heck none of me is, who am I kidding.

Roasted a chicken for dinner. Oh man it tasted good! The girls were all good today. Kori had a great day at school. Well except for the girl in her class that hit her in the face. She was upset that Kori didn't look at something fast enough so she hit her. Kori said Ms. Phillips called the girls father over it. I'll ask more about it when I'm up there on Thursday. Kori said she wasn't hurt which was all that mattered I suppose. Man kids can be mean! Kori forgave her and has moved on from it all. That's my girl!

Well I guess I better go check my towels. I also have 200 box tops from various products to trim and sort by the correct denominations...fun fun fun!