Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It Is Possible

To get permanent marker (black of all colors) out of off-white carpet. Somehow Morgan got her little paws on a black marker tonight. Jason and I were getting dinner cooked and turned around and she was gone. Since she's mischevious and has been getting into lots of stuff lately I've been making her stay close by so I can prevent these types of mishaps. Well I turned around and she was gone. Unfortunately she left her mark on the carpet in the family room. Jason was none too happy about it. I got the hair spray out and it worked some but not great. I got online and did some research. Rubbing alcohol was also mentioned. Now I don't have any of that (I need to get some next time I'm out), but I did have ear cleaning solution from when the little girls got their ears pierced. It's mostly alcohol so I went to work on it. Well after soaking and dabbing and soaking and dabbing, you can't even tell there was once a lovely Morgan inspired drawing there. I think she was drawing on paper and it bled through. It was a weird random pattern, but thankfully now it's gone. My husband has often wondered why I want to wait until the girls are older to replace this carpet. This one reason why.

Today was better yesterday. No attempts to have strange concoctions of mixed drinks tonight. I woke the girls up earlier than usual this morning. They weren't thrilled about it, especially since they goofed off until 11:30 last night. Oh well, I was a mom with a plan and I wouldn't have it derailed. They were also not thrilled when I said no TV on during breakfast. They took an earlier nap and I put them to bed at 8:10 tonight. I would love to say they went to sleep in a decent amount of time, however that would not be the case. I finally went in at 10:15 when I could hear them jumping from bed to bed. I turned off the night-light. No need for them to illuminate their foolishness and plopped my big ol' behind on the floor. After only a few minutes they were sleeping. I have since returned to cover them all up and turn the night-light back on. I really, really hate bedtime.

Tomorrow I need to run some errands to get ready for my sister's baby shower this weekend. I am hoping they are cooperative so I can get them done. If not you'll be hearing about the weeping lady pushing the screaming toddlers through Sam's on the news.

Since I'm making everyone get up earlier, I need to get up earlier, which means I need to get to bed earlier.