Monday, March 2, 2009

Checking For A Pulse

So I think I mentioned in my last post that I thought I was getting Jason's sore throat. (If I didn't mention it I meant to and probably just forgot -- it happens a lot!) Well Friday I woke up and felt semi-yucky (that is a technical medical term). I went ahead and went to Walmart because Jason had off-duty and then on to regular work both Friday and Saturday. I got back and then headed off to get Kori from school. While waiting the in car line I began to feel achy. I got achier by the minute. I struggled through dinner for the girls and got everyone bathed. My sister swung by real quick to drop something off for me and I made her stay in the car because I truly felt like I had the flu. Not the stomach type, the bad kind you get immunized for.

Well I made it to bed time and in the process of getting the girls down I started to get the chills. I shivered so much I thought I would my teeth would shatter.

By eleven o'clock I gave in and called Jason to come home. I was soooo weak and achy and just felt AWFUL! I worried that if the girls needed me I wouldn't be able to do anything. He came home and I showered and crawled into bed where I stayed all day Saturday and most of Sunday. I ventured out of bed Saturday night around 10 o'clock for a PB&J sandwich and was hopeful that I was going to feel better on Sunday.

That was not to bed. Felt as awful Sunday as I did Friday night. I gave in and drove myself to the ER for some sort of help. Flu culture...negative. Strep culture...negative. Mono blood work...negative. Good news Melissa you either have one of the strains of flu we don't treat with anti-viral or you have one nasty viral infection that is kicking your butt. The doctor felt so bad for me and knew by looking at me how sick I was. She gave me a script for pain meds to help with the achiness and then prescription strength ibuprofen. I sent my husband back to work and managed the girls for a couple of hours before bedtime.

I managed okay today. Still achy and such. I wish this dang sore throat and ear pain would go away. I am hopeful that I am going to feel better sometime during the month of March.

On a good note I am declaring Kamryn potty trained. Well except for bedtime. She is staying dry during naps and anytime she's up. She poops and pees on the potty without prompting from Jason or I. Alexis is doing great too. She hasn't had as much success in the poopie department but I expect that. She had one pee accident during dinner tonight. She was a bit stressed about it, but hey a girl has to eat huh? No time to break for a potty stop. She is hit or miss with staying dry during naps. I am hoping that I have purchased my last case of size 5 diapers.

Morgan asked to poop on the potty today...I was shocked that she asked and she actually did it! Woo hoo! I put her in training pants after nap and she did okay for a bit and then got busy and had an accident. Once I am feeling better I am going to work harder with her. I am ready to be done with diapers!

Once they were more ready than me it's gone rather smoothly.

So that's it from Germville...I'm going to crawl in my warm bed now. It's my best friend these last few days.


Liz said...

You have had even worse luck that us and your house is clean! Come on Spring

Liz said...
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