Wednesday, January 28, 2009


They sensed I was clinging to my sanity by the tiniest thread. Today they were much better and acted more "normal". Not too much fighting amongst each other. If they took a toy from someone else they gave it back when I told them too, not after I said it 5 times and chased them around the house to get it back.

When it was time to pick up the toys tonight they were so efficient and helpful. Man was that nice. I said it ONCE, only ONCE, "Come on girls, let's go pick up the toys" and off they went. Oh it was nice!

I fear tomorrow I will get my parental butt kicked. But for now I am thankful and savoring it, in case it all fades away tomorrow like a beautiful sunset.

Kori had a playdate today with a girl from school today (we'll call her E). She came home with us and had dinner with us and her mom picked her up just a bit after 7:00. It was nice, and Kori enjoyed having someone her own age to play with. E only has a much older half sister so she was quite enthralled with the little girls. As we were eating she sighed and said, "I wish I lived here with you guys". Kori promptly informed her it isn't always as fun as it looks, especially when the girls get into things their not supposed to. E told her she was lucky and she'd live here in a minute. That felt nice.

So it was a nice day. I got some of my housework done and will finish the rest tomorrow. Can't believe it's almost Thursday already. Where has the week gone???


Carrie said...

Glad your day was better. Isn't it amazing how they can be so good one day and then be little monsters the next day?

Liz said...

They are just lulling you into a false sense of security - they want to keep you guessing which kids you will have that day!