Friday, January 16, 2009

New Layout -- Sick Kids

Finally a new,non boring layout. Enjoy, it's in honor of the fast approaching Valentines Day. The most commercialized holiday on the planet. It's not a fave of mine. I love my sweetie every day, not on one specific day of the year. I have warned him for many years that if he buys me $200.00 roses I will kill him with my bare hands. Happy Valentines Day...nothing says I love ya like the threat of death.

Germs -- GO AWAY! Morgan started coming down with a cough Sunday night. By Monday she was miserable. Feverish, coughing, snotty, whining, clingy, overall just sad. By Wednesday, she was better, still coughing and having a runny nose, but better. Wednesday night Kamryn started coughing a bit. By Thursday night she was clingy, fevering, aching, had a runny nose. She was super pathetic.

Today I awoke to Alexis feverish and moaning. She spent the majority of the day on the sofa, a rare thing in my house.

Kori and I have made a pact to stay healthy. Here's to hoping it works!

The weather has been brutal lately. Cold, windy, cold, freezing, cold, miserable, cold, awful. Did I mention cold? Jason and I agree we need a warmer climate. I never used to mind it, now it's just awful.

Snow this morning. Not much but enough to make the dolts on the road drive even worse than usual. The freeway I usually hop on to take Kori to school was a parking lot so we diverted and snuck in the back way. I personally didn't have any trouble, but there were TONS of wrecks everywhere else. I don't know why people can't just slow down and exercise a bit of common sense and good judgement. It really can go a long way.

Jason was off the past 3 days and it was nice. The house got super cleaned. Laundry was caught up (notice I said WAS -- when the weather gets warmer I'm having the 1st Annual Naked Day. I want to know what it's like to have an empty hamper for 24 hours. Never fear I will give advance warning on when this will take place so everyone can stay clear. I speak only for myself when I say IT WON'T BE PRETTY!)

He returned to work tonight and had off-duty before so it was a girls evening. I made a casserole which did not turn out so the girls and I got some drive-thru take-out. A 54th Street salad for me and KFC for the girls. At least the kitchen clean up was easy.

Alexis is floppy and restless tonight. I hope she's feeling better tomorrow.

I'm ready for warmer, germ free weather!