Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mostly Healthy

The house is mostly healthy. The girls still have a cough and some runny noses, but they are MUCH improved. I on the other hand have an incredibly sore throat and a nasty cough. I can't get this dang throat to feel better. I am over germs, sickness, cold weather, Winter, etc. etc. etc. I am concerned I have strep throat, but after getting C-diff from my last round of antibiotics I will pass on seeking any medical treatment for now. That was awful and miserable and I don't care to repeat it any time soon.

I had to laugh the other day Kori got in the van after school. We were talking about Daddy and that he was going to take her to school the next morning because he had a dentist appointment that morning anyway. So we were chatting and she says, "I've been meaning to ask you something. Are these bald spots back here (she sticks her finger in her mouth and points to the very back of her gums) going to grow teeth eventually?" I about died! I couldn't help but laugh at her using "bald spots" to describe her gums. It was funny!

Kamryn's favorite phrase right now...NO WAY!

ME: Kam let's pick up and get ready for bed.

ME: Stop hitting your sisters.

ME: (Insert anything here)

Awesome, just awesome!

The little girls are like little miniature Ultimate Fighter people. They are constantly whacking, kicking, biting, smacking, hair's exhausting! I don't know where it comes from. I am constantly saying "Say your sorry, we don't hit. That's not nice! No biting!" Exhausting!

We did enjoy one day of really nice weather last week. The girls got to be out for a little bit and burn off a little of the cabin fever. Some fresh air did everyone good I think.

Jason is in training this week so he'll work 2pm-11pm Mon-Thurs. The little girls will enjoy having him around during the day, but Kori will only get to see him when he comes home for dinner around 6pm. Thankfully the academy is VERY close to our house so he can come home and eat and catch up with her then.

I think I forgot to mention, that my sister and brother-in-law found out last Friday that they are having one boy and one girl. My nephew is SUPER excited to not be the only boy for too much longer. Kori was happy to hear there was at least one girl in the mix. My Jason has offered to school the little guy on all things sports related if need be. nephew got his driver's license this past Friday! He scored a 95! Woo hoo! I am happy for him in one aspect, but in another...seriously? He's 16??? Already? He has a driver's license? In the words of Kamryn...NO WAY!

On Friday the girls were begging to watch Cinderella. They were still in their jammies and had some major bed head. They insisted on piling in the chair together instead of on the couch where they would have fit more comfortably, but whatever. They used to fit in here nicely when they were smaller. At any rate, I leave you with this is so funny to me! In case you don't know from left to right it's Alexis, Kamryn and Morgan. Enjoy!


Liz said...

They are so cute and look so sweet - I know looks can sometimes be deceiving!

Mrs. Russ-a-lee said...

Liz...the looks are most definitely deceiving. I swear I'm going to take them in for a hearing test! They give new meaning to the word STUBBORN!!!!