Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mixed Emotions

While I am not glad that my candidate lost, I am glad that I don't have to see/hear anymore political ads. I don't have to hear anybody approving any messages. Well until the next election anyway.

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, you can't help but realize what a hisorical election this was.

I am a bit scared for our country, but will put my prayers in God's hands that he will lead our country out of this mess we are in.

I did watch some of Barack's speech last night. I found it sweet when he mentioned his love for his children and how they earned the new puppy that would be going along with them to the White House. That was sweet and cute.

I didn't need to see Oprah's big face so many times. That woman rubs me the wrong way as of late.

At any rate, it's over and I am glad.

I celebrated our defeat by cleaning the master bedroom and bathroom last night. Nothing says defeat like scrubbing away some soap scum and ridding the house of some dust bunnies.

I will post more later because I have pictures from Halloween, which was GREAT! And also pictures from our trip to the zoo on Saturday so please stay tuned.


Sharon Gartrell Photography Fort Worth said...

Melissa, I'm with you on Oprah...she is just horrid! I love how when a guest doesn't answer her question the way she thinks they should, she answers it for them.

The girls are getting so big. They are so gorgeous. I just love their hair.