Monday, November 24, 2008

Color Funny

I was sitting at the kitchen table Saturday night making up one of my countless lists for this week so I can attempt to stay a wee bit sane with all I have to do. At any rate Kori came with her crayons and coloring book to join me. She was chatting and such and having a grand ol' time. She then proclaimed, "Mommy I think this is one of my favorite colors now". I asked her which one and she said "Muleberry". Huh? I had her spell it, well it turns out muleberry is actually mulberry. It made me giggle. Once I explained it to her she chuckled too. Hey she's only six. I told her she was in good company because her aunt LOVES the color M-A-G-N-E-T-A. You know the one, only for the rest of us it's M-A-G-E-N-T-A.