Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Holy cow! I changed 8, that's right, 8 poopie diapers today! (Have I ever mentioned how glamorous my life is???) My hands are raw and cracked (well moreso than usual) from all the hand washing. Yuck X 3!

I was glad that all had handled their business before nap time. They typically use a nice poopie to stall the nap process. I thought we could get down to the business at hand a just go to sleep.

Nope they all had to do it again. And again, and again. Oh my stars, I've seen enough dirty diapers to last me for quite a while.

I get to work at Kori's school tomorrow at thier book fair. I have warned daddy since he'll be in charge. That could be interesting.

So this has shoved me further over to the "potty training darkside". We'll begin in earnest next month. They will be 2 1/ time like the present.