Sunday, November 16, 2008

I Think...

I scared them! They have been acting SOOOOOOO much better! Saturday was just downright blissful! Kori played in the living room with her Barbies ALL day and was perfectly content. She didn't yell when any of the little girls walked withing 50-feet of her, which usually would set her off about them "messing up her stuff". It was great! It was cold and windy and yucky out so we stayed in (well I ventured to the store later in the evening but everyone else stayed in). I even managed to doze on the couch for 20 minutes or so (I had an AWFUL headache) while the girls were in their cribs for what should have been nap time. Alexis napped the other two, not so much. Oh well, at least they were in good moods at any rate.

Jason threw the littles in the tub Saturday evening when I went to the store. I soooo appreciated that! After the girls went to bed Kori proceeded to beat me 2-1 at the game TROUBLE. Dang! Oh well, it made her happy and we had fun, that's all that matters right? To heck with my wounded pride!

Today was another relaxing day. Our VCR in the playroom ate our Beauty and the Beast tape...that sucked! Jason played basketball this morning after work so he slept a bit later than usual. Kori did more Barbie playing etc. and I took the girls to the drive-thru for some McD's for lunch. It was easy and I didn't have to think of what to fix. Everyone deserves a break every now and then!

I spent the evening after the girls went to bed going through old pictures. They sure do bring back lots of good memories. I had a lot of uh, different looks. None of them particularly good, but oh well. So many of my sister Margaret. Made me miss her that much more! Life is so unfair sometimes.

At any rate, the house is quiet. Jason is working his last night and I am off for some more reading.

Another busy week this week! Calgon take me awaaaaaaaaaaaay!