Thursday, November 13, 2008

Allow Me...

To entertain you. Let me tell you a couple of the reasons why on many days I feel more than a bit crazy:

My little's are on some sort of self-imposed nap strike. I did not okay this! I was not consulted about this. It is not okay with me in the very least! Nap time = mom gets a bit of sanity back. At any rate, whether they choose to sleep or not is up to them. They go in their cribs, where they remain until what should have been a good nap (no less than 1 1/2 hours) is up. At that time if they aren't asleep then they are released for their cells, uh I mean cribs. Of course that's what I meant. :-)

I have a very small laundry room. Far to small for six people. At any rate, I must make the best of my closet that holds my washer and dryer. There are some shelves and a rod that I hang up all my stuff on. On occasion I set a basket of folded clothes on Kori's vanity. That was the case one day last week. The basket was blocking the sink. I sent Kori to brush her teeth as it was bedtime. I noticed afterwards that the basket was still there. I asked her if she moved it and got a firm "Nope". Okay, how did you rinse etc I asked? I got, as a reply, in her best "duh mom" voice, "I squeezed my hand around and filled up my cup with water I spit it in the toilet". Okay, no problem I thought. I then had to go one step further. Did you rinse your brush and put it away? "Yep (same duh mom voice)I rinsed it in the toilet and it's on my shelf". WHAT????? I replied, "Oh Kori you didn't?" She assured me that she did. Thank goodness it wasn't her new toothbrush from the dentist she'd just got. No it was her nice battery operated Hello Kitty one. It promptly went into the trash, with some protesting from her. I promised we'd get a new one, but that one was now out of commission. YUCK! YUCK! YUCK! The germaphobe in me kicked into high gear. Sweaty palms, queasy stomach...blach!

Those are only a couple examples. I should keep a running total. It wouldn't be pretty, but you would all understand why I am so insane.