Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Extended Hours

If I could have more hours in my day I could get so much more done! Well Fall is definitely here. It feels a little winter-ish too. It's very chilly and rainy. It's quite cozy if I do say so myself.

Glad we got our pumpkin patching in last weekend. We ended up at one close to my nephew so I called and invited him to come along. He's a trooper and he came and we had fun. Kamryn started fevering afterwards while on the drive to a restaurant for dinner. After a couple of hours she snapped out of it and was totally fine from them on. Weird! At any rate, we got pumpkins and some apples and had a great time. It was a gorgeous day!

It's been one of "those weeks" around here this week. Jason went back to work Sunday night. Monday he had court then off-duty, then on to training. The girls and I decided to take advantage of the semi-pleasant weather before the cooler temps and rain moved in so we went to Cody's high school foot ball game. It was close to Kori's school so it was super convenient. It was a good time and they won 22-0! Then Tuesday we had parent/teacher conferences. I chuckled getting ready for it. It's always like I'm playing dress up and pretending to go. I sometimes fail to remember that I am somebodys MOTHER! Scary for me to, trust me. :-) I made a bit batch of chili and a home made Swedish apple pie (thanks Liz, Jason has dubbed it "the only apple pie I will ever eat for the rest of my life" -- guess that means he likes it)before we went. My parents came up to watch the little girls so both Jason and I could go so I figured some dinner for them would be a nice way to say thanks! Kori got a glowing report and is doing great! We are so proud of her. She also got a fantastic grade cards. Awesome!

Today Jason had off-duty before work, then work. Tomorrow is a half day for Kori and they girls all go for flu shots later in the afternoon. In the evening Jason has off-duty. Thankfully he's off and won't go into work tomorrow night. He has off-duty Friday during the day and then nothing for the rest of the weekend thank goodness. I need time to regroup. My girls have deciding that napping is not for them. Why you ask? That is the million dollar question. I still put them in there every day but it usually just turns into a fun-fest. Whatever, they stay in there for a while and "rest" while I regroup and prepare for the 2nd part of my day. I also made about 4 dozen chocolate chip cooks to take to school tomorrow for the staff/teacher appreciation luncheon that the PTA is putting on.

I am hoping that this weekend I can get the playroom painted. It's a mess now and I'm tired of the mess. I've been waiting for a day or two when Jason is available to handle the girls. It's a bit tough to paint with three 2-year olds running wild.

As I said Kori is doing great. The little girls are great too. Feisty and busy and silly but great. Morgan is currently cutting three new teeth on the bottom. I know she's 2 1/2 but she only has 9-teeth. She's so pokey in the teething department. Kamryn is still talking up a blue streak. She is so funny! Still dramatic at times but funny too. Alexis, still so small and mighty! I swear that kid will never grow! Both her and Morgan are doing their best to compete with Kamryn in the talking department. Some of the things they come up with totally crack me up! To hear them talking during nap or bedtime can be a complete riot!

Well that about sums things up around here. I need to be better on keeping my posts up to date. I know I forget some stuff I usually try and remember to post. The ol' memory ain't what she used to be!

And now a few pictures...


Busy Baroness said...

The cookies look heavenly! And your girls are so cute! Love the candy corn shirts!

Anonymous said...

'Bout time you posted these! hee hee

Gorgeous day with a bunch of cuties.