Monday, June 2, 2008


Ever have one of those days? Me too and today was one of them. Jason worked off-duty all day and then took a nap when he got home because he had to work tonight all night for his regular shift. So the girls saw him for 5 minutes before the nap and 10 minutes before he left for work. Rough on them, rough on me.

All four of the girls are suffering with allergies. Kori has been coughing and sneezing and just feeling cruddy. Her Zyrtec has kicked in and today she was feeling better. The trio, not so much. I started them this morning as soon as I saw how miserable they were and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it kicks in soon! They were whiney, crabby, clingy, grumpy at times, happy at times, needy and just blah most of the day. My throat is scratchy and my nose is runny so I know that I am suffering the same fate. Days like this are the days I really need more arms, legs, lap room, just more of me in general. Everyone wanted to sit on my lap, no one wanted to share said lap with any of the other siblings, that makes for a rough time.

After dinner I took the girls to Sheridan's for custard so that the house would be semi-quiet for Jason so he could nap. That went over well, the custard was a hit.

The girls went down pretty easy tonight. No barking, pretend barfing (see birthday post), meowing, gigging or yelling. This usually means trouble. I've been in with Kamryn twice and Morgan twice so far. These nights can be rough. These are the nights I wish Jason were on days so that I'd have an extra pair of hands here with me. Oh well, I've done it before and survived, I'll do it again.

Just kind of a blah day for me today I guess. My post matches my mood I suppose.