Saturday, March 29, 2008


She's the newest addition to our family. Well her and her three puppies (triplet puppies how cute!) Before you think I've lost my mind, it's not a real dog. Merely another Barbie, a dog and her 3 triplet puppies. Kori got it today at Target with some money she had earned. Oh it's a marvelous toy let me tell you! The dogs have magnets in their noses so they can "nuzzle" with their mom Taffy and pick up their bones, which have magnets in them as well. What more can a 6-year old ask for? Well ask no further! One of the puppies comes with a bottle, you fill it with water, give it to the puppy and yep, you guessed it, the puppy "wee wee's". Not my words, but the words on the box it came in. In the instructions, it even came with extra papers that are called "wee wee papers". Oh my stars!

Now Taffy has joined Kori's other Barbie dog...Tanner. Mind you tanner came with little brown magnetized pellets. You put them in it's mouth, push it's tail down and out they come. Yep, right out of the dogs, er, hmmm, uh, behind side, rear end, tush, butt, caboose, any of those words will do. Yikes! We have Taffy with her wee weeing puppy and Tanner who poops. Life is good!

Here was my conversation with Kori today. She couldn't wait to get home and have Tanner and Taffy playing together. She was convinced that Tanner could be the puppy daddy to go along with Taffy's mothering duties. Oh what fun! The dogs look very similar. Tanner is slightly darker than Taffy, they both look like yellow labs.

Kori: Mommy I can tell the difference between the two dogs.
Me: Oh, that's good you won't mix them up.

Kori: Yeah. You know how I can tell the difference between the boy dog and the girl dog mommy?

(Holding my breath so afraid to ask! Mentally running through my mind if I had really checked over that dog good when we got it months ago. Was the dog ANATOMICALLY correct?????? Oh the horrors! This isn't how I envisioned my Saturday afternoon at ALL!!! Oh well, I take a deep breath and say)

Me: How's that? (Praying all the while for a miracle!)
Kori: Because Taffy has long eyelashes.


Okay, breathing can return to normal. Palms can quit sweating now. Stomach can stop doing panicked flip-flops.