Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Her Magic Wand

Kori was home sick today. Sore throat, fever, awful congested cough. Started her on some cough/congestion medicine first thing this morning, as well as Tylenol/Motrin. Managed to keep the fever at bay all day and evening. Keeping my fingers crossed it stays gone! I am sick of germs!

Anyway, tonight was bath night. Or as I like to call it, complete chaos. Until summer I still only bathe the littles every other night, unless it's been an especially messy/sweaty/dirty/poopy etc. day. So tonight we did chaos, I mean baths.

Afterwards, the trio wanted to watch Elmo. Or at least that's what I got when they were marching (literally) through my bedroom with Morgan leading the pack chanting "Who want Elmo, who want Elmo, who want Elmo". You get the idea. The other two marching behind her yelling "YEAH!" It was too cute! So I took the cue and settled them in their little Elmo chairs (thanks Aunt Becky and Uncle Billy again) to watch their DVD.

I went back up to finish cleaning up the chaos mess, I mean towels and such when Kori appeared. I was sitting on the bed, catching the last girl sing on American Idol. Jason had just gotten out of the shower and was getting ready for work. Kori has a little magic wand in her hand that belongs to one of her Barbies. She makes the "magic wand sound". You know "bbbbrrrrrinnnnnngggg" and points the wand at me. I asked her if she turned me into a frog. At first she said yes so I promptly launched into my best frog impression. Then she changed her mind and decided I was a turtle. So I quickly tried to improvise and made some turtle sounds. Don't ask, it was pretty lame on my part. Turtles aren't the most vocal creatures you know.

Well Princess Kori pops over to daddy and "bbbrrrrrinnnnngggggs" him too. He says "Cool, what am I?" My little princess responds without missing a beat, and very matter of factly, "a dog turd". I thought I would die laughing. Lets say daddy was less than thrilled with his wand assignment. I quit laughing when she "bbbrrrrinnnnnggged" me on her way out of my bedroom and turned me into a turd too because "you were laughing just a little bit too hard". Darn!

The kid is a riot!


Muskie Mom said...

a "dog turd" that is hilarious! Good thing you blogged that one, it's one to remember!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Could she "Bbbrrriiinnggg" me to KC for a visit?!
