Thursday, January 17, 2008


Today is a snow day. Kori was very excited. We got about 3-4 inches here in the northland. Not to mention it's freezing cold.

The last couple of days have been interesting. My sister went to the ER on Tuesday night with mystery joint pain and swelling. It's been determined it's probably arthritis. I told her turning 29 is rough on your body, and she still has a few days yet.

I started feeling cruddy on Tuesday night as well. I had too many nights with too little sleep and I think it caught up with me. Sick kids, worry about, well everything, I think it took it's toll. I slept from 12:15 Tuesday night until 8:00 Wednesday morning. Took Kori to school and laid back down when I got home as the trio hadn't gotten up yet. (They slept from 9pm until 11:20!!!!). I felt awful when I got up and Alexis didn't look too hot either. She'd been pretty calm and quiet the last couple of days which just isn't her nature. After some milk and oatmeal for the girls Alexis and I went to lay on the couch. She was nice and still for about 30 minutes or so before sitting up and puking all over me and the couch. Yummy! She then promptly went to play with her sisters. Well, I'm glad she felt better. Thankfully Jason was off and helped with the cleanup.

About 1:45 I felt worse, just fevery, achy and yucky all over so I retreated to lie down. I slept off and on until 5:30. Felt better when I got up, not great but better.

Alexis never did puke again and acted better in the evening. She has a bit of a cold and I'm thinking the milk didn't mix well with her drainage (sorry--TMI) and up it came. So hopefully that is that and we're on the mend. I feel better today and am around and doing more. I had some laundry to catch up and floors to vacuum. You know, fun stuff. At least things are better today.

Kamryn started off the day on a sour note. Her and Morgan were competing on who was going to get the first glass of milk this morning. Well Kamryn decided she was going to be the winner so she bit Morgan...on the face. It left a mark and Morgan just cried so hard. I felt so badly for her. It just broke my heart! In nineteen months I don't think I've ever heard her cry so hard. It was so pitiful. Kamryn has done this before, but this time it was really hard, gotta figure out a way to handle the's always something.

I am now in a quandary. Kori is having her "100 day celebration" at school on 1/31. She has to design an article of clothing that has to be decorated with 100 somethings. It can be buttons, sequins, drawings, whatever. The paper said "Be Creative". Great, I lack severely in this department. I thought about affixing 100 lifesavers to a t-shirt but then worried she'd look like a bachelorette out at the bars with one of those "Suck for a Buck" shirts where people pay you a dollar to pull off one of your lifesavers with their teeth. (Sadly I had one at my bachelorette party). So I think that option is out. I'm still mulling it over...I'm hoping to get hit with a jolt of creativity soon.

Well that's it for me for now I suppose. Thought I should update so that everyone knows I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I need a day with about 36 hours in it...that would help out some.