Thursday, January 3, 2008

Like a bad rash...

I am back!

I am going to sum up the week of 12/17 as follows:

Monday 12-17 Kori's 6th birthday. Her special birthday meal request...Burger King! Yuck! Oh well, it was her choice, over anything else out and anything I offered to cook her.

Tuesday 12-18 Giving Alexis a bath and she poops in the tub. She's a dainty little tiny girl. The poop NOT SO MUCH! I'll spare you the gory details, but it scared her and didn't exactly thrill me either.

Wednesday 12-19 Discovered after Kori's holiday party (that I volunteered at) that my keys had fallen out of my purse as I picked it up off the drivers seat with my hands that were super loaded down, and said keys were now locked securely inside my car. Jason had my extra set at his off-duty job all the way across town. My sister came and picked Kori and I up (no Mother of the Year nominations for me for that one!) and we met a buddy of Jason's that was working with him 1/2 way and he gave me my extra set of keys. Man I felt like a goober!

Thursday 12-20 Ran a bunch of pre-Christmas errands with Kori. She was in "one of those moods" that day and I'm certain she was trying to drive me crazy. Like when she proclaimed "Mommy look" to which she pointed out the lovely Picasso-esque "painting" she did on the back of my cloth seats with her wet/muddy/melted snow covered shoes. Grrrrr! Anyway our last errand was to finally mail my very late Christmas cards. Happy to get that task done! Drat I remembered I forgot to return a movie back to the Redbox stand at McDonald's that we had rented the night before. Jason would do it on his way to the gym. "It's on the front seat" I told him. "No it's not" be annoyingly informed me. "Sure it is. I put it there with my....gulp Christmas cards! OH NO!" Yep you guessed it, it was mailed with my cards. I managed to call the post office in question and thankfully they pulled the mail just after I put my cards in and had the movie set aside. Man did I feel like a heel going in to get that. Duh!

Friday 12-21 Took my nephew to the mall. Jason and all the kiddos went too. It was a bit crazy but things went okay and we got some things accomplished. Getting out of the parking lot took us a mere 25-minutes. It was all going good until bam! Rear ended! Great! We had been stopped for about 40 seconds and were just chatting amongst ourselves. Alexis and Morgan decided to fall asleep. Thankfully there was no damage to either car and no one was hurt. Lex and Morgan slept through it all.

Saturday 12-22 Went to the store etc. for last minute Christmas stuff and got caught in a freezing ice storm. Not to mention it was FREEZING! It was supposed to turn to snow but we got more sleet than anything. That put a damper on my evening plans with the Faron's to meet up with Matt and Christy. I was looking so forward to seeing them and getting out for a bit. **Sigh**

Sunday 12-23 Baked the majority of the day. It felt goooooood! I don't do it as much as I used to and it felt so great to be in the kitchen doing it! Jason was awesome with the girls and let me go to down.

In a nutshell that was my crappy week. Things got better from there. Our Christmas was great and very laid back which was nice.