Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"I Gooey"

Catchy little title huh? Well that was Morgan's announcement today. I had told her several times that she was goofy. She proudly walked up to me later and proclaimed "I gooey". It was sooooooo sweet! They were exceptionally wonderfully awesomely awesome today. They played so well together with little or no intervention from mommy which is always nice. I was able to empty the dishwasher, do 4 small loads of laundry, make Kori's bed, vacuum the kitchen floor (well I did that twice but whatever), vacuum Kori's room (well that whole floor), the living room, entry way and two sets of stairs. Man it's nice to feel productive. I also cooked dinner, cleaned up the mess and had all the kiddos cleaned and jammied by 7pm!!! Woo hoo! Look out, momma is on a roll.

I put the trio down at 8:30. At 10:45 Alexis and Morgan finally gave up and went to sleep. They weren't being naughty just having a night-time fun-fest in there. Kamryn hung out with them for a while but about 10:15 she gave up to her need for sleep and left the party. The other two kept on going and didn't disturb her a bit. I am preparing for the day many years down the road when Alexis tells me that she is a stripper. Keeping that girl in clothes could be a full time job. She just loves to take them off. I put her jammy pants on her twice tonight. Morgan decided it would be a good time to take a poop too...those silly kids! They love to poop during what should be nap time or before what should be bedtime. Oh well, at least I noticed it before she was asleep.

Today I went to let the dog out. I was one oh maybe 30 seconds and when I came up I heard Morgan: "Uh oh". Alexis: "Hiiiiiiiiiiii" Kamryn: "Mommy". They were getting into the wipes. They like to wipe their noses with them and then string them all over the place.

When I went to let the dog in and found the cat barf (thanks ever so much if I don't deal with enough human body secretions on a daily basis you must add to my mix) I was gone for about 3-4 minutes. I returned to find they had all taken their socks off. Not to mention the movies they got out of the drawer. Leave them alone for a second and they will find something to get into that they aren't supposed to. Thankfully the living room is kid friendly and they are gated in. Whew!

Well I think I'll go curl up with my book for a while before turning in. I was showered before 10pm tonight! Will wonders never cease?


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