Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Conversation With My 6-Year Old

Kori: Your wearing THAT to take me to school?
Me: (Looking down at my red long-john knit shirt with a cat on it and my red flannel pajama pants with cats ALL over them). Uh yes, they are very warm and I'm cold, so this is it.

Kori: O-kay. (Shakes her head as she walks off)
Me: I don't get out of the car and I will have my coat on. (I put on tennis shoes and socks for those that are wondering).

So I think it's done and over with. Off we go to school. I must state that in the 5 months since I've been taking her I usually put on some "real" clothes before we leave. Usually it's my standard "mom uniform" consisting of a sloppy t-shirt that I am comfortable getting a variety of body fluids, food, beverages, cleaning supplies, cat/dog hair etc. on as I go about my day. But it's clothes nonetheless. Today I was just cold and felt comfy so I just ran with it.

As we were driving along to school our conversation about my attire started up again (much to my dismay).

Kori: Mom if you ever wore your pajamas to the mall it would be embarassing for you. And it would CERTAINLY be embarassing for Daddy and the girls and I.
Me: Well Kori I would never wear my pajamas to the mall. (I am thinking to myself that I will NEVER wear them again to take her to school either cause it isn't worth the drama she's giving me either at 9am).

Kori: Well I'm just saying. I love you Mommy.
Me: Thanks for looking out for me Kori, I love you too.

**Sigh** What's a mom got to do to be comfy just once every blue moon?