Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Kori and I ran some errands this past Saturday. The girls were down for a nap, closely supervised of course by daddy who was performing specific testing as to the comfort of our couch cushions and their direct correlation with them causing his eyelids to close. Oh who am I kidding, he was napping too.

Kori and I took off, list in hand, to tackle some things I needed to get done. First stop, Target. I was looking for something totally unrelated when I stumbled upon the childrens clothing section. How DID that happen? Well my girls were in DESPERATE need of summer clothes and Target was more than prepared to help me out. Variety of sizes, good choice of items, woo hoo! Life is good. So I stock up, the girls got about 10 new shirts, and 7 or so pairs of shorts. I got Kori some new shoes and of course I couldn't leave her out, so she got some new shirts and shorts too. Oh shopping can be liberating! I had this money put away for just this purpose so it worked out great!

We finish up our shopping in there and head for the checkout. Woo hoo, no lines! I think just about every available line was open. I put all my stuff on the conveyor belt and we're off! I should add that I had all my tags, UPC bar code facing out, so that the checker only had to flop them on the scanner and bag them. It was going swimmingly when a very large (no offense to larger people, I'm not small myself), VERY rude man sees fit to put his big ol' ape hands on my cart. First let me explain I'm not one that enjoys having my personal space invaded. He exclaims, while still holding on to my cart "Whoa, look at all that stuff". Kori notices his comment right off and looks at me. I just smile and her. Then he starts grumbling over and over about how much stuff I have, how it sucks that he's in line behind me, blah blah blah, on and on. I finally turn around and point out to him and his equally as large and as rude wife and say as nicely as I can, "there are PLENTY of other lines open and available if you'd rather not wait." Nope they don't move. It goes on and on and I'm getting more and more annoyed. Trying to go over my conversation in my head that I will have with Jason when I call him from jail after my arrest for punching large rude man in face.

I finally cannot take it anymore and I say to Kori "Kori, this is exactly why I work so hard to teach you manners and respect so that when you grow up you don't act like the two people behind us". My child so sweetly smiled and said "Thanks mommy, you do a good job." Thankfully we're done and with my purchases loaded in my cart I'm off, annoyed, but thrilled with the amount of stuff I got for such a great price!

I was just amazed at how rude these two people were! WHY was it ANY of their business how much stuff I had??? They weren't paying for it. Not to mention they had a cart full of purchases too. I hope someone behind them heckled them the whole time they were checking.

Oh well, after recharging with a soda and potty break at a nearby convenience store we were off to conquer more errands. We had a GREAT day and we definitely needed some one on one time together. It was fun!


Muskie Mom said...

Sounds like you have a great errand-running partner in Kori! I love the comment she made back to you--precious! I am constantly amazed at the rude people in this world.